A lot of people do nucleus runs for money, but how profitable is it? I decided to test it out and do 9 of them.
How I Earned 300 Million Coins by Doing Nothing
I earned 300 million coins from doing nothing over the past three months. For many people, that takes a lot of effort. However, I earned that by doing nothing and not even playing the game for a long time.
Where Did I Place in the New Episode?
Episode 9 Act 1 just started earlier this week in Valorant. I did my 5 placement games, let’s see where I placed? My rank before this episode was Diamond 1.
Super Lucky Emblem Celica Summons
The monthly legendary banner came out yesterday, and with that, Emblem Celica made her debut. I attempted to summon her with the few orbs I had.
Super Lucky Summons – FEH
Since I barely play FE Heroes anymore, I usually just come in and free summon. However, a couple of banners caught my eye, so I decided to summon on them. I’ve gotten super lucky.