Today, I uploaded a new video called How divide fractions in 47 seconds. I recorded the whole thing, which took 1 and 1/2 hours to script and then I also rendered the video, which took 1 hour to render.
Stunt Rider Achievement Xbox One
Ghost Rider pinball table’s Stunt Rider achievement is not that hard to get. It’s pretty quick to get. Basically, you just need 3 good consecutive shots when you’re on the race track. See the video to see how to do that.
Which one to get? Xbox One or PS4
Black Friday is almost here. There are good deals everywhere. It’s a good time to get one or both systems at this time of the year. Best Buy, Target, Walmart, Microsoft Store are all having a big sale already. If you have the money, get both systems. If you can only afford one, it’s a … Read more
15 even more keyboard shortcuts in 47 seconds
Today, I uploaded 15 more keyboard shortcuts in 47 seconds. I had to think of 15 DIFFERENT keyboard shortcuts, which was a big challenge, because I gave all 30 I knew in the previous videos. So I looked it up online.
15 MORE keyboard shortcuts in 47 seconds
Today, I made a video on 15 more keyboard shortcuts. Since the first video turned out quite well, I decided to make a second one. It was quite a challenge making it exactly 47 seconds.
I tried to make it, but I had to re-record most of it because I was talking too slow…..
15 Keyboard Shortcuts in 47 Seconds
Today, I made a video about keyboard shortcuts. In this video, I try to explain 15 keyboard shortcuts that I think you should know. I had fun making this video, while at the same time, I was challenged by the 47 second limit.