I just leveled up to level 25 (I know, many people are more than level 30).
Here’s what I got:
Just another amazing website
Pokemon Go, Pokemon Anime Quiz Sources/Images Used: Bulbasaur Blastoise Pikachu Dugtrio Misty/Psyduck Vaporeon Jigglypuff Pidgeot Gyarados Jessie/James/Meowth Jessie/James/Meowth (Hot Air Balloon) (GIF; I took a snip) Cassidy and Butch Sudowoodo Feraligatr Chikorita/Pikachu/Ash Officer Jenny/Growlithe Wobuffet Teddiursa/Misty Tyrogue/Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan/Hitmontop Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu Chansey Bellossom Grass/Water/Fire Weapon Triangle Togepi/Misty Kangaskhan Eevee Evolution Cyndaquil Misty Water Pokemon (GIF; I took a snip) … Read more
Sources/Images Used: https://www.sirknightj.com/blog/2016/09/04/pokemon-go-pokemon-anime-quiz-sourcesimages-used/
I just leveled up to level 25 (I know, many people are more than level 30).
Here’s what I got:
Today, I caught a Dragonite near where I lived.
As we were driving home, my brother yelled, “HEY! THERE’S A DRAGONITE NEARBY!!!”
My dad immediately starts looking for it.
A few days ago, while wandering around downtown, I find a Charizard hanging around a pokéstop. Since I don’t have a charizard yet, I decide to try to catch it.
While trying to get my veteran card for the week, I happen to find this guy, who wants to go late game.
So we did.
He was going the robo-monkey strat, while I was using the sabotage supply lines and the ray of dooms.