Fire Emblem Heroes As Of September 2020

It’s September already and 2020 will be gone soon. Since the first Covid-19 news until now, we’ve been in this situation for more than 6 months. And we still don’t know if we ever get back to normal again.

Anyway, what’s new with Fire Emblem Heroes. In the last few months, Intelligent Systems introduced a few things that players appreciate: the trait fruit (IV change system). This new item allows players to change the IV of a particular hero to any IV of their choice. I can finally get rid of those -Atk heroes and switch them to +Atk or +Spd. This new addition really help lessen the resentment/disappointment feeling with summoning new heroes. At least now, we don’t have to get stuck with those bad IV. We just have to pay a bit with trait fruit and the issue is fixed.

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Farming 50 – Hypixel Skyblock

Well, I finally did it. Using the strategy I described in a previous post I wrote here, I hit farming level 50, allowing me to always get triple drops from all crops.

What a great achievement.

When I first started farming, I didn’t use any Farming XP Boost III potions. However, once I got more invested, I had my coop brew for me. He brewed the 54-minute farming XP Boost III potions with his Alchemy 50. When drinking the potion with a lv 100 Parrot and the Potion Affinity Artifact, the Farming XP Boost lasts for roughly 1 hour and 54 minutes.

According to my, I only harvested 4.2 million pumpkins and 11.7 million sugarcane to get to farming 50. Thanks to the Bonus 20% Skill XP bonus, the Rabbit pet, and Farming XP Boost potions. Because of those, I was able to get to farming 50 much quicker than previously possible.


I took this cool screenshot when I was 1 xp away from hitting farming 50.


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Our Journey to Buying a Non-Tier Boosted Legendary Ender Dragon Pet

A while ago, we bought a level 100 epic ender dragon pet. You can see that post here. Our next goal was to get a legendary ender dragon pet, without putting a tier boost on it.

We scoured the auction house, looking for a legendary non-tier boosted ender dragon pet which had no pet candies on it. Sadly there were none of those being sold. So, we waited patiently for someone to put one up. Finally, someone by the name of iM_sXon put up a Legendary level 1 Ender Dragon pet up.

The thing with bidding on Ender Dragon pets is that the prices you have to pay fluctuates so much, since there are so few on the auction house. Once we saw this Ender Dragon put up, we went all-in for it.

Looking at the other auctions for Legendary Ender Dragons at the moment, we estimated that we needed around $380,000,000 coins in order to afford it. So, we began the long process of selling pretty much everything we had in order to scrounge up that many coins.

Leveling Up Our Ender Dragon

We needed to sell our current tier-boosted ender dragon to hopefully earn a good amount of money. Recall that we bought the level 100 epic ender dragon for $215,014,135 coins.

ender-dragon-pet-sirknightjAdditionally, recall that I dropped a tier boost core. After applying the tier boost,our pet should be worth about $245,000,000 coins in order to make any profit.

However, we were disappointed that when we put the tier boost on, the pet immediately downgraded to level 96.

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Discord.js Bot Hypixel Bazaar Price Checker – Behind the Scenes

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on coding a Discord Bot with both fun commands, and moderation commands. As I’m playing around with the Discord.js library, I learned a ton of neat things about working with it.

Here it is, in case you want to see it.

I wanted to get my bot to get Hypixel Skyblock Bazaar data. However, accessing the Hypixel API can be quite obscure and confusing if you’ve never done it before. So, to save you the trouble, I’ll share with you how my bot pulls bazaar data from the Hypixel API.

Note: We’ll be using JavaScript for this, as we are using Discord.js.

Installing Dependencies

I’m going to assume you’re using using npm, and that you’ve already set up your project file using npm.

To fetch things from a website, we’ll be using the node-fetch package.

Go ahead and install node-fetch. Navigate to your project folder and
npm install node-fetch. You’ll know that it installed correctly when it appears as a dependency in your package.json file.

Next, you’ll want to make sure that you actually use node-fetch in your code:
const fetch = require(‘node-fetch’);

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The Best Spooky Festival Strategy – How To Score Well – Hypixel Skyblock

The Spooky Festival. One of the best ways to earn money in Hypixel Skyblock. If done well, one can earn over $8,000,000 coins in the one hour that the Spooky Festival is active. It used to be much higher, but in recent times, as more and more candy is put into the economy, the less it’s worth.

What happens during the Spooky Festival?

The Spooky Festival is an event that takes place in Hypixel Skyblock in Autumn 29 – Autumn 31. It lasts for 1 hour (3 in-game days). You can check when this will happen next in the Event Calendar located in the Skyblock Menu Nether Star.

In the Hub, next to the bank, you can find the Fear Mongerer Shop where you can buy certain items in exchange for candies. The Fear Mongerer Shop has a wide variety of items, ranging from Magic Find potions to Life Steal IV books.

During the duration of the Spooky Festival, mob kills on any of the Public Islands have a chance to drop green or purple candies.

You’re competing with the entire Skyblock playerbase to earn the most amount of points during the duration of the event. Each green candy you get is worth 1 point, while each purple candy you get is worth 5 points.

The Spooky Festival is quite RNG-dependant, but with good skill, practice, and knowledge one can score consistently well and earn tons of money during the Spooky Festival.

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Dungeons, Perfect Score 305 – Hypixel Skyblock

We did it.

After the secret counter was added into Hypixel Skyblock, it’s easy to get 100 points in exploration, assuming you have experience with secrets.

I believe you can miss up to 3 secrets (each secret at this point is only 1.5 points), assuming you have no deaths. Each death is -2 points in skill.

Remember that an s+ run means you need at least 300 points.

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