The End Isn’t as Profitable As It Used To Be – Hypixel Skyblock

Hypixel Skyblock. A game where everything revolves around coins. Well, not everything, but a very large part of the game revolves around earning coins. You use these coins in order to purchase better items, so that you can slowly work your way up to being the best player.

The End used to be a large part of where I used to hang out. Mainly, because it was one of the best ways I knew of to earn money. On a good day, you could earn 3-4 summoning eyes per hour, which equates to 1.5-2m coins. Then, with those summoning eyes, we could summon Dragons, in hopes of making profit.

In The End, there are a few things you can do:

  • Farm Zealots for Summoning Eyes, to use on Dragons
  • Farm Enderman for Legendary Enderman Pets
  • Farm Golems for Tier Boost Cores and Golem Pets

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Fire Emblem Heroes as of December 2020

2020 is going to come to a close in a little more than a week. A few years ago, many people had been saying that 2020 would be a good year. “2020” was like the condition of your eye, meaning perfect vision. Unfortunately, this year does not turn out as expected, it has been not so good for many of us. Enough with the doom and gloom, let’s talk about Fire Emblem Heroes and where it stands as of the end of 2020.

Book 4 has come to an end not too long ago. Book 5 has started. We got a new 5 star Mythic Hero – Reginn. Some changes in AR. New tier 28 in AR. Updated Frontline Phalanx. Updated Pawns of Loki. Some changes in the summoning mechanic.

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Pawns of Loki – Fire Emblem Heroes

IS introduces new game mode in Fire Emblem Heroes – Pawns of Loki. This is the 3rd new game mode that IS introduced this year. The first was Resonant Battle and the second was Frontline Phalanx. I think it’s amazing that the company is still pumping out new ideas to an almost 4 years old game. Book IV is coming to an end in the next few days.

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Farming Update – What’s New – How High Do You Need To Score?

Well the long-awaited farming update came out. Yay!

Let’s see what’s new.

Farming Cap Increase

We now have the ability to reach farming 60!

farming_60_sirknightjTo reach farming 50, you need 55,172,425 total farming xp. To reach lv 60, you need 111,672,425 total farming xp. This basically means I’m only half way to reach lv 60.

In order to unlock it, you need to purchase this item from Anita, who I’ll talk more about later.


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Are Dragons Profitable in September 2020? – Hypixel Skyblock


With the Skyblock 0.9 Update, and the introduction of Booster Cookies, a lot has changed with the Dragon market. First off, most dragon-related items spiked in price, likely due to the influx of newer players purchasing Booster Cookies and earning money that way.

Booster Cookies on Dragon Profits

Currently Booster Cookies are sold on the Bazaar for roughly $850,000 coins. However, Summoning Eyes are sold on the Bazaar for roughly $650,000-$700,000 coins depending on when you buy or sell. With this change, the paying playerbase now has access to the late-end game armor sets including Strong Dragon Armor, and Superior Dragon Armor. Furthermore, Aspect of the Dragons prices have increased from under $2,400,000 coins to nearly $3,750,000 coins. Since summoning eyes used to cost $600,000 each previously, one Aspect of the Dragons now pays off for more dragons than before. Same with nearly other Dragon Armor except for Protector and Old.

Overall, Booster Cookies made the demand for Dragon items go up, increasing the prices.

Our Experience Doing Dragons

We tracked every single dragon that we did, and this is our result.

As you can see, Dragons are quite profitable over time. If you do them in short bursts, they’re likely not to be profitable. Around our 200th dragon, we got no superiors for a very long time, and was on a long streak of no profits.

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