Welcome to this week’s Hypixel Skyblock news! This week was quite an eventful one for Hypixel Skyblock. This edition of This Week in Hypixel Skyblock covers important events that happened from October 3 – October 9. While the last event extends past the 9th, we decided to include the entire event in this week’s edition of Hypixel Skyblock news.
Enderman Slayer Profit Per Hour? – Hypixel Skyblock
Dropping some more Judgement Cores – Hypixel Skyblock
I’ve been quite lucky on my journey to Enderman Slayer 9.
In this last post, I dropped two judgement cores.
As I’m nearing the home stretch, only about 175k more Enderman XP left to go. I recently got lucky again!
Fire Emblem Heroes As Of September 2022
It’s been a couple months since my last post on Fire Emblem Heroes. I’ve been busy at work and started to miss some quests. This is not the first time for me, and it seems that the last time I missed some quest was also around this time of the year.
Let’s see what’s happening lately in FEH. Intelligent Systems introduced new type of Hero – Rearmed heroes. It’s kind of like a seasonal type of hero where the hero will only appear on certain banner. We can fodder the hero, but the hero will not disappear from barracks. But we can only do this once per rearmed hero. It’s an interesting concept and perhaps the most enticing part of this new type of hero is the potential of copying rare skills. It is quite expensive though copying skills. So, it’s not for everyone.
Dropping my First Fifth Master Star!
We did it!
After 247 M7 runs, I finally got a my first rare drop from M7: a fifth master star!