Fire Emblem Heroes – 2022 In Review

It’s the last day of year 2022. Tomorrow, it’ll be 2023. Let’s spend a bit of time to look back for my progress in Fire Emblem Heroes this year. Year 2022 is the year when I finally was able to +10 exclusive 5* hero, not just one, but I managed to make 3 of them this year. What an accomplishment for a F2P. It was a hard journey to get there. Let’s take a look.

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Maximizing My Arena Summon rewards

I think it’s about time that I post the tips on how to prioritize on which color to pick when redeeming the arena summon reward. Starting 12/6, we can get 1 arena ticket per week and with that ticket we can get a 4* special hero. So, it’s best to plan on how to maximize the rewards.

In order to evaluate the best options for me, I lay out all of my options in excel. I created my own criteria on what I considered important for me. Follow along to see how I go about my available options. That way, you can also plan for which is the best options for you – considering gacha luck varies for all players.

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Fire Emblem Heroes Crown and Chair As Of End of 2022

This week arena and aether raids seasons will end on Jan 2, 2023. So, I won’t include that in the latest tally of 2022 results. I find that getting the crown in 2022 is harder than before. Getting the red chair is about the same, pretty much depending on the gacha luck when summoning mythic heroes. Let’s see where I stand in 2022.

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A Hero Rises (AHR) 2023 Predictions for Red – Fire Emblem Heroes

With AHR 2023 coming in the middle/end of March 2023, I’ve started saving up my orbs. At the moment, I’ve saved up about 400 Orbs and it’s the middle of December. At about 250 Orbs per month, I estimate that I’ll have around 1,200 orbs by then. In last year’s AHR banner, I spent about 1,300 orbs and barely got one of the units to +10. You can read about that here. This year, however, the likelihood of an all-green banner again is very unlikely, meaning that we need more orbs on average to get those +10 units.

The voting period happens at the beginning of February. Let’s go over my predictions of the likely candidates for AHR 2023.

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