I decided I’m going to do weekly updates on my orb count and how I got them. Today, I am at 127 orbs. I got 42 orbs over the past week. I will be going over how I got those orbs.
Comparing Breath of The Wild to Tears of The Kingdom – The Legend of Zelda
I finished playing Tears of the Kingdom a couple weeks ago and started playing Breath of The Wild right after. I know it’s kind of weird playing the older one after the new one, but I really liked Tears of The Kingdom so much that I wanted to play Breath of The Wild which I heard was similar to Tears of the Kingdom. In this article, I will be comparing my experience playing Breath of The wild so far to Tears of the Kingdom.
Saving Orbs – FEH
It’s been a week since I spent all my orbs. Right now, I’m trying my hardest to save orbs, in this article I will be going over how many orbs I saved and where I got those orbs from.
Some More Felix Summons – FEH
Almost two weeks ago, I summoned on the Veyle Mythic Banner and I got Diamante. However, I didn’t get the Felix, the hero who I actually wanted. I have some more orbs, so I’m going to try summon for him again.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom
A couple weeks ago, I started playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom. I’m having a lot of fun playing it, I think the puzzles are fun and the open world idea was also a good idea. I just finished visiting the 4 cities for the regional phenomenon quest. So, here is my rankings on usefulness of the 4.
Mythic Banner Summons – FEH
The new mythic banner and new hero Veyle is out. On this banner, there is Felix and F! Shez, who I want to summon for. I have some orbs saved up and decided to spend them to try and get them.