Over the past week, there had been a lot of opportunities to farm orbs, and I was able to get 62 orbs. In this article, I will be going over how I got all my orbs this week.
How I got 64 orbs in 4 days ENTRY #9 – FEH
It has been 4 days, and I have gotten 64 more orbs. The amount of orbs available each week is crazy. In this article, I will share how I got 64 orbs in the past 4 days.
My Orb Count Just Keeps Climbing Entry #8 – FEH
Another week, many more orbs to get. Over the past week, I got 45 orbs. In this article, I will be going over how I got those orbs.
How’s my 2024 Arena Progress? | Fire Emblem: Heroes
Some of you may be wondering if I’m still doing well in the Arena after playing Fire Emblem: Heroes for 7 years? Fire Emblem: Heroes came out on February 2nd, 2017, which is such a long time ago!
Well, here’s my progress update for this week (1/9/2024 – 1/15/2024).
How I Earned 80M From Doing Nothing – Hypixel Skyblock
The mayor elections opened up, and it appears Diana will be the next mayor. In this article I will tell you how to make easy money by spending less than 5 minutes in the game.
Predictions for AHR 2024 | Fire Emblem: Heroes
It’s getting close to that time of year again. A Hero Rises time!
Currently, I have managed to save 485 orbs. I would’ve saved up more by this time, but I spent some on the Legendary Camilla banner to finally finish +10ing my Askr. You can check out my summoning results for that banner here.
In this article, I will go over my predictions for potential A Hero Rises candidates. Players will vote on a hero. The top 8 heroes will be placed on a voting gauntlet. All players get one copy of the winner, and the heroes that make the top 4 will get put on a banner. If 3-4 of the units on that banner share the same color, then +10ing at least one of them will cost significantly less orbs! On top of that, the unit quality on these is generally very high.