A Hero Rises 2024 banner came out a while ago. I decided to summon on it using all the orbs that I saved up. In this article, I will be going over who I got and if I’m happy with the results.
Premier is Much Harder than Ranked
Earlier today, my friends and I played premier. For some reason, we cannot win premier, but we can win many ranked games. In this article, I will be going over why that is the case.
PRX Jing Returns to Valorant!
PRX Jing is a well-known Raze player in the Valorant community. He is known for his crazy entries and overall unique playstyle. In this article, I will be going over what that means for Valorant Esports.
I Created My Own Premier Team
A couple of weeks ago, the new premier season started in Valorant. I decided to create a premier team with my friends. In this article, I will go over how that is going and the plan for our team.
1,200 orbs on 2024 A Hero Rises – Fire Emblem: Heroes
It’s that time of year again! The best banner of the year. Time to summon!
TenZ has an Outstanding Performance
Sentinels took down Karmine Corp 2-0 in Madrid and qualified for playoffs. TenZ, the star of the team, had the most kills and the fewest deaths. In this article, I will be going over TenZ’s performance in this match.