Some people say Clove is the best controller in the game. I think they are a very aggressive controller player, however, what do I think about them?
New Found Confidence – Valorant
Recently, I went on a really bad loss streak and dropped to platinum 3. However, right now, I am on a win streak and got back to Diamond 1. In this article, I will be going over what has made me play better this past week.
Can We Qualify for Premier Playoffs?
Premier Playoffs is next week Sunday, has my premier team drastically improved to qualify this act?
Ranking The Competitive Maps – Valorant
Valorant maps have their strengths and flaws, some being easier to play on, while others are easier. In this article, I will be ranking the maps in rotation for competitive queue from my favorite to least favorite.
I Tried Raw Accel and This Happened
In Valorant, I play on a really low sensitivity: 0.06 in game with 800 DPI. The average “low sensitivity” player has an EDPI of 150-300, while mine is 48. Because it’s not practical to swipe your mouse 4 times to turn 180 degrees, I decided to try out Raw Accel, which is mouse acceleration. In this article, I will be going over how that went for me.
Premier Victories – Valorant
Premier reset a couple of weeks ago. Last season, my team and I didn’t do so well. However, this season, things are looking up.