We all know enchantments make a really big deal on any tool or armor piece. They can increase your damage output, increase rare item drop chances, and increase your stats.
With the numerous enchantments you can apply to tools in Hypixel Skyblock, it may get a bit daunting to understand all of them. That’s why we created this enchantment guide, so you know they all work.
Note that Unbreaking and Mending do not exist in this version of Minecraft. All tools in Hypixel Skyblock do not break, and Hypixel’s Skyblock servers are running on Minecraft 1.8.9.
If you’re looking for a certain enchantment or tool, use Ctrl+F or Cmd+F to find whatever you’re looking for.
I recommend crafting all these books. It’s much more time-efficient than repeatedly clicking at an enchanting table for the right enchantment to come up.
Normal Enchantments:
For any most swords, such as the Raider’s Axe, you should aim to get the following enchantments, except the ones marked in red or orange (listed alphabetically):