Spending 1800 orbs summoning on Veronica – Fire Emblem: Heroes

Legendary Veronica and Yuri are on this banner, so you know what that means. It’s the long awaited summoning session that’s supposed to be this year’s replacement for this year’s A Hero Rises event.

I’m really hoping that I have enough orbs saved up. I’ve been saving orbs since late last year, but I have also pulled on some banners here and there for units such as Rearmed Ingrid (see this post) and Legendary Hinoka (see this post).

My Goals for this summoning session

  • 10 Copies of Legendary Yuri, since I already have 1 copy (see this post)
  • 8 Copies of Legendary Veronica, since I already have 3 copies (see this post)
  • 11 Copies of Alear
  • 9 Copies of Askr
  • 1 Legendary Guinivere, so that I don’t need to fish for high-scoring opponents this month in the Arena

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Summoning for Summer Edelgard – Fire Emblem: Heroes

Today, the Summer Vacation banner is on its rerun. I wanted Summer Edelgard to make it to the top 4 in the A Hero Rises event this year so that I could go all-in on that banner. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. I wanted to get her for a long time since I’ve been hearing that she makes Aether Raids offense super easy.

Currently, my Aether Raids strategies that I use the most are hit & run, and tanking. This is, in part, due to the highest offense-mythic heroes I have merged up. My highest-merged mythic units were Elemine+4 for Astra season, and Mila+2 for light season. Recently, I got Peony+4, but since I’m not used to playing with Galeforce, I’m not as experienced playing with it.

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Rearmed Ingrid Summons – Fire Emblem: Heroes

A while ago, I summoned on Rearmed Ingrid’s banner. I was still saving orbs to summon on Legendary Yuri and Veronica’s banner rerun at the end of June. I decided that I could spare a few orbs considering that the end of June was still a couple months away. Since I recently finished playing through all the routes of Fire Emblem: Three Hopes, I was pretty excited when this banner first came out. Here’s how my summons went.


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