It’s that time of year again! The best banner of the year. Time to summon!
Summoning Results
Who did I get on my free Special Hero Summon?
It’s that time of year again. We get one random seasonal unit released within this past year. Very good for someone like me who’s been skipping a lot of the more recent banners as I save for the A Hero Rises event.
Did I Get Anyone From 22 Free Summons? – FEH
As a new year gift, we got quests to obtain 20 free tickets total, for 2 different banners. In this article I will be going over who I got from those tickets.
Can I finish +10 Askr? – L!Camilla Summons – Fire Emblem: Heroes
It’s that time of year again! I’ve started saving orbs for the 2024 A Hero Rises event, which happens at the end of March. I’ve currently saved up 710 orbs.
However, I did notice that Askr has appeared on this banner. I have him at +8, and if I can two copies of him, I can finally have my first +10 mythic unit. I am able to consistently hit tier 39 in Aether raids already with my +8 Askr, but it would be nice to have him at +10 so then I can use him in the Arena as well.
Duo Byleth Summons! – FEH
Recently they released a holiday banner with many Three Houses characters. What caught my attention was D! Byleth, who if you don’t know already is one of my favorite heroes in the game. So, it’s time to spend all the orbs I saved up again and summon for D! Byleth.
Gulleveig and Kvasir Summons – FEH
I have been saving orbs these past couple weeks. However, when I saw this banner, I caved and summoned on it. I spent almost all the orbs I saved. I thought Gulleveig and Kvasir were really good so I wanted them.