The CYL! banner came out recently, introducing M! Robin, F! Corrin, Soren, and Guleveig. In this article, I will tell you why I picked this hero out of the 4.
Fire Emblem Heroes
Worst Summoning Session I Have Had Yet – FEH
The legendary remix banners are here. If you have read my previous articles, you would know that I am a fan of Fire Emblem: Three Hopes, and Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Therefore, I am going to summon for L! Edelgard and L! Dimitri.
Who did I get with my 10 free guaranteed 4-star special hero tickets?
This is pretty new in FEH. We get 10 tickets to summon a completely random seasonal 5-star unit from the earlier eras of the game.
Here is an image of all of the possible heroes summonable from this banner. It is made by u/PresidentEvil1337.
10 Free Tickets, Who Did I Get? – FEH
FEH summer is here, we got 10 tickets that guarantee a seasonal 5-star by playing 10 special maps. In this article, I will tell you who I got from my tickets.
Extremely Lucky Summons FEH
July’s mythic hero banner was released, and it had some heroes that I want to summon for. Since I am a fan of Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem: Three Hopes, I wanted to summon for Arval, and Ingrid. I recently summoned on the remix banner for B! Chrom, therefore I was low on orbs. Luckily, I hadn’t played in the past 2 years, so I haven’t farmed up the orbs from the mythic hero special maps.
Another Lucky Summoning Session – FEH
Last month, there was a legendary mythic remix banner with male Shez. I wanted to summon for male Shez since I recently played through all the routes in Fire Emblem: Three Hopes.