AHR came out more than a month ago, however, the banner lasted for a while. I summoned 80 times on that banner, which is a lot for me since the most I usually summon is 40.
Fire Emblem Heroes
Lucky W! Edelgard Summons – FEH
A couple weeks ago, the special hero duos banner came out. W! Edelgard and other good heroes appeared on it, and I was tempted to summon. In this article, I will be going over who I got from those summons.
Summoning on AHR 2024
A Hero Rises 2024 banner came out a while ago. I decided to summon on it using all the orbs that I saved up. In this article, I will be going over who I got and if I’m happy with the results.
1,200 orbs on 2024 A Hero Rises – Fire Emblem: Heroes
It’s that time of year again! The best banner of the year. Time to summon!
Who do I want to win A Hero Rises 2024? – Fire Emblem: Heroes
It’s that time of year again. The voting gauntlet for the A Hero Rises 2024 event has begun!
I’ve been saving my orbs for the past few months after finally completing +10 Askr. I’m currently at 1,000 orbs and expect to be at about 1,200 by the time the actual banner rolls around. I also have maybe another 100ish orbs in the easy and hard levels of the story, and some in the lunatic chain challenge and squad assault maps. I usually do a multi-hour-long chain challenge and squad assault marathon once a year since I don’t usually need the few orbs it gives me for all that trouble and stamina.