Fire Emblem Heroes As Of September 2021

October is almost here. That means Fire Emblem Heroes book V story is near the end, only 2 more chapters to go. I think book V story is a little bit better than book IV story. However, I still find FEH story telling is very lacking, very pale in comparison to Fire Emblem console games. I wish they improve the story telling, making it more like a progression. They’ve been doing this type of story telling for 5 books now. It feels so monotone and boring. Story comes out about once a month and it lasted probably a minute of reading and tapping. Then wait for another month. It’s so not fulfilling.

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Fire Emblem Heroes as of June 2021

It’s almost summer time. Mid book 5 is just right around the corner. How’s the current state of Fire Emblem Heroes?

Intelligent System released a new mythic hero, Ashera. She’s not a FEH’s OC, but actual hero from Radiant Dawn game. Players rejoiced. Well, apparently some portion of players get tired of FEH’s OC becoming mythic heroes. I personally do not really care too much from which Fire Emblem game the mythic heroes originally from.

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Has your luck in Fire Emblem Heroes changed, summoners?

Ever since IS added the spark feature and 4* focus last year; and 4* special and the reduce pity broken rate earlier this year, the number of 5* heroes I got from summoning seems to increase a little bit. I don’t know whether my luck has changed or it’s simply the result of the recent change in summoning mechanic.

So, I decided to revisit my previous gacha luck investigation: “FEH Summoner: How lucky are you?” I’d like to know whether my luck has changed for the better or not.

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Aether Raids Scoring

The updated Aether Raid’s scoring was a bit confusing since the information in the game is very sparse. Aether Raids is the only “no retry” mode in Fire Emblem Heroes. So, not that many people would do a “trial and error” in this mode. Now that the latest update to Aether Raids mode has been around for about 3 weeks, we know how exactly the scoring work in this game mode.

Scoring in the upper tier 21 or above is a bit different and only affect the scoring on offense. There’s no difference in scoring on defense.

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