Finally!! The time has come for me this year. After 5 years of playing Fire Emblem Heroes as F2P, I was able to achieve my goal of having at least one 5 star+10 exclusive hero. Wow, it feels unreal that even as an F2P player, I was able to complete this milestone too. 🙂
Fire Emblem Heroes
Fire Emblem Heroes As Of April 2022
Wow, it’s April already. Where did time go? It’s about 4 months now since Intelligent System added the pay only Spark feature to Fire Emblem Heroes. How did it do? Did it help increase FEH’s revenue? Or, will FEH follow Dragalia Lost’s footstep?
Let’s take a look at the latest FEH’s player’s pulse survey from Reddit.
A Hero Rises 2022 Summoning
The hyped banner was finally released a few days ago. I couldn’t resist my urge to summon. So, I summoned on the banner on the first day on 3/22. Was the banner as good as what people said? Here’s my status just before I started summoning on the banner: 906 visible orbs, 347 orbs on FEH bank and 279 orbs on maps that I haven’t finished – total 1,532 orbs that I can potentially use.
1300 orbs vs 2022 AHR Summons
The AHR Banner is here!
A few days ago, I summoned on the AHR 2022 banner. I spent a lot of the orbs that I’ve been saving up over the past few months.
A user by the name of Eldervi has done the math and created a cool infographic here. The average orb cost per 5-star unit is 19 orbs. This means that with my 1,300 orbs, I should be expecting somewhere around 68 5-star units with average luck.
Analyzing my 2021 Fire Emblem Heroes’ summoning result
Have you ever wondered about your summoning result in FEH overall? On some banners, you may be very lucky, but on some other banners, you may not. But overall, how did you do? In theory, the more summoning you do, the more likely that the result will average-out over time. However, will that be the case in my situation – where I only summon sporadically on few banners?
I wish FEH has some kind of built-in features that keep track all of various summoning stats. Unfortunately, the game has none of that feature. I think if they have this kind of feature, many players will have their mind blown when they see their stats.
Summoner Duel – Is it a good game mode?
It’s been a couple months since Intelligent System released a new game mode in Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game. I think it’s time that we covered this game mode in our blog. I’m going to talk about what I think about this game mode.