Earlier today, the Valorant developer team released the trailer for the new agent Tejo, showcasing all of his abilities. The Valorant community is freaking out over how Tejo’s kit seems to be overpowered and in desperate need of a nerf. In this article, I will be going over everything you need to know about this agent.
Everything You Need to Know about Episode 10 – Valorant
Episode 10 is coming soon and will be the first update of the new year. This update is set to bring huge changes, and new content to the game. While we wait for the update, here is everything you should know about the update so far.
Is Necron or Maxor Boots Better for Dungeons?
If you’ve played dungeons, you know that playing at 200% speed is far from fun. It can be especially frustrating in Master Mode Floor 7 (M7), where speed is crucial. There are two main ways to achieve 400% speed: either by using Maxor boots or by allocating your tuning points to boost your speed. In this article, I’ll break down which option you should choose.
This is the Best Operator Skin in Valorant
If you ever play Jett or Chamber, you’ve probably used the Operator. The Night Market is here, so you might as well buy some skins. If you have any of these Operator skins, you should buy them so you can stop begging for drops.
These are the Best Spectre Skins in Valorant
How To Increase Your DPS in Dungeons
Recently, I started playing archer in m7. I was really struggling to kill the dragons in the alter. So I’ve been researching ways to increase my damage. I stumbled across different ways of increasing my DPS and found some that really helped out mine. In this article, I will be sharing one upgrade that helped me increase my DPS by a lot.