Earlier today, the 1,000 heroes special banner came out. The banner contained one of the heroes I wanted: Summer Edelgard. The 1,000 heroes quests give 5 free tickets, so I was planning to use these and spend a couple of my orbs in hopes of pulling her.
Who Did I Get From 10 4-Star Special Tickets – FEH
The 1,000 Heroes Celebration is here! You can get 10 Free 4-star special arena tickets by completing quests. In this article, I will be going over who I got from my 10 Arena Tickets.
Winning Nothing From The Raffle – Hypixel Skyblock
Recently, the Skyblock year 300 raffle event ended. If you are unfamiliar with the raffle event, I would recommend checking out this article here: The best way to earn tickets for the year 300 raffle. In this article, I will be showing you guys everything I got from the event from two accounts.
Another Unlucky Summoning Session! FEH
A couple weeks ago, the L! banner was released. It showcased L!F! Alear, who was not my main priority. If you have read about any of my previous summons, you would know I am a Fire Emblem: Three Hopes fan. Therefore, I was planning to summon for Loving Matriarch: Rhea.
Who Did I Pick From CYL? – FEH
The CYL! banner came out recently, introducing M! Robin, F! Corrin, Soren, and Guleveig. In this article, I will tell you why I picked this hero out of the 4.
Worst Summoning Session I Have Had Yet – FEH
The legendary remix banners are here. If you have read my previous articles, you would know that I am a fan of Fire Emblem: Three Hopes, and Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Therefore, I am going to summon for L! Edelgard and L! Dimitri.