I haven’t played too much Valorant recently, since I have been busy with school and playing other games. Recently, however, I played a little bit and was able to win majority of my matches.
Lucky W! Edelgard Summons – FEH
A couple weeks ago, the special hero duos banner came out. W! Edelgard and other good heroes appeared on it, and I was tempted to summon. In this article, I will be going over who I got from those summons.
Our First Premier Win – Valorant
Over the weekend, the premier team I play with got our first win. Our current win loss ratio is 1-9. In this article, I will be going over what we did differently to win.
The Best Sheriff Skin in Valorant
There are many sheriff skins in Valorant, however, if I had to pick a sheriff skin to use forever, I could easily do that. In this article, I will my opinion on what the best sheriff skin is in the game.
Did I Get Anything Good in my Night Market?
The Night Market in Valorant just appeared a couple of hours ago, and as always, anticipation runs high for good skins, even among those who might not intend to make a purchase. In this article, I’ll share my experience with the Night Market and whether I managed to snag anything worthwhile.
Sen Sacy’s Insane Play Against 100 Thieves
Sentinels defeated 100 Thieves 2-0 today in VCT qualifiers, dominating their opponents with an impressive performance. Among the standout moments of the match was an incredible play by Sen Sacy that turned the tide in favor of Sentinels.