The monthly legendary banner came out yesterday, and with that, Emblem Celica made her debut. I attempted to summon her with the few orbs I had.
My summoning strategy was to only summon blue. I don’t have any of the blue heroes, and if there were no blue orbs, I would summon red because I think L! Hinoka is pretty good.
I got pretty lucky with these summons. However, I did not get Emblem Celica. The first 5-star I got was A! Caeda.
I decided to quickly grind some orbs and summon again. I’m glad I did because I got back-to-back A! Ivy.
That means I got a 5-star every 4 summons. I’m pretty happy about it. I wish I had gotten Emblem Celica, but I’ll definitely take these 5-stars.