Am I One of the Worst Diamond Players?

Act 2 of episode 8 just started and I’m ready to dominate this act. Last act I did not play well and I’m hoping to improve my gameplay this act. In this article, I will be going over my stats for last act and my goals for this new act.



Let’s take a look at my tracker score for last act.



That is pretty low, 223. That is honestly quite horrible. That means I am playing consistently worse then my teammates and enemies. This score, however, doesn’t mean I always play like that, for example, take a look at this game.


I played decent for some of the games, however, I still ended up bottom fragging most of them. This means, that I am very inconsistent, so some games I will play well. Then others, I will just play horrible and not be able to get any kills.

Now, take a look at my other stats.


I have a negative KD ratio, and my damage per round is also extremely low. Truth be told, my aim is awful, my aim gets shaky a lot during fights, so I end up spraying. That isn’t good because people can just tap my head and I will die since I’m a standing still target.

Plans and Goals

My goals for this act are:

  • KD of at least 1.0
  • Average damage per round of 140
  • Tracker score of 500
  • Reach Ascendent 2

Something I need to work on that affects all my games is my mental. I tend to get tilted when I’m not getting any kills, or when my teammates are fighting. Then after that game I start tilt queueing and just keep playing until I lose 80+ RR. I definitely need to work on self control and just hopping off the game when that happens, or just play unrated. For my aim, I will try to tap fire more and aim for the head instead of instantly going for the spray.

So, to the answer the title of this article, I am one of the worst diamond players. Hopefully things will go more smoothly this act, and these aspects of my game will improve.



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