Last month, there was a legendary mythic remix banner with male Shez. I wanted to summon for male Shez since I recently played through all the routes in Fire Emblem: Three Hopes.
I wanted at least 1 male Shez, however there are 2 red focuses on this banner. So it is possible I might not get him until the free 5-star and 40 summons. There are 2 red focuses on this banner. So, it is possible I might not get him until the free 5 star at 40 summons. I hoped that was not the case. My summoning strategy for this banner is to snipe only red orbs. If there are no red orbs, then green or blue.
After 40 summons, here is a list of the 5 stars I got.
- 5x Lif
- 2x M! Shez
- 1x Mareeta
- 1x Velouria
starts from 4-star Claire
After I hit 30 summons, I thought “might as well go for 40 to get the free 5 star”. I picked Lif since I already have 4 of him.
I am happy with these results. In 40 summons, I got eight 5-star units. Every 4.44 summons, I got a 5 star. That is extremely lucky. If you are curious to see how lucky that is, you can check out this article here: FEH Summoner: How lucky are you?
My goal right now is to farm orbs so if I see a banner with someone I want, I can summon for them.