Over the past year, Spartanraph117 and I have earned a ton of money in Hypixel Skyblock. We aren’t perfect, though, and have also lost a lot of money throughout our time.
In this article, I’ll share some of the biggest ways we lost money this year.
Mythology Event
During one of the Mythology events this year, we finally decided to craft a griffin pet. Doing the math, we would save about 8m coins by crafting the pet instead of buying it at the lowest bin. We could craft it for around 63m, while the lowest bin was 71m.
So, we crafted it, and used it to farm out the event, getting a ton of Dwarf Turtle Shelmets, and even a Chimera book.
Unfortunately though, the Legendary Griffin pet prices plummeted. They rose back up again slightly, to 45m from the 30m they were at the end of the previous event. However, unfortunately, it doesn’t appear they will ever go back up to around 60m.
Additionally, we sold all of the Dwarf Turtle Shelmets at around 5.5m. If we had waited around a month to sell them instead of selling them instantly, we could have sold them for for 12-13m per.
This was still around Minos Inquisitors were displayed as Minos Champions in the chat.
We got the Chimera I book drop on 10/15/2020.
Furthermore, we sold our Chimera I book at 25m coins, which really isn’t that bad.
However, if we had waited until about now to sell it, the lowest bins are 97m coins. We didn’t really lose money here, just lost a lot of potential money.
Scorpius: The Dark Auction Event
I bought a Hegemony Artifact at around 53m coins from the Dark Auction. At the time, we feared that they would drop, so we also sold it for 53m. This was because prices were super unstable at the time. They started off at 60m, dropped to 45m, and went back up a bit to 53m. Little did we know that a few hours later, one of the top guilds decided to flip all of the Hegemony Artifacts. They bought all of them and set them all back up for around 90m. This didn’t last of course, as more and more people undercut them, and they dropped back down to around 77m by the time the event ended.
However, as time went on, no new Hegemony Artifacts were put into the market, and so, the price of them kept increasing.
Now, the lowest bin is 147m coins. If only we had kept it instead of selling it for 53m.
Furthermore, I noticed that protection 7 was only 4m coins, and I really wanted to buy it. However, we were broke at the time, and my coop wanted to save money, so we didn’t buy it. The next day, they were up to 13m, and today, it’s up to around 40m per protection 7 book.
I also wanted to buy this book. We had enough money to purchase it, but then we’d have around 5m coins left in the bank. I did my best to convince my coop to let me buy this, but he wouldn’t let me.
So, I didn’t buy it, and a few days later, I saw a very similar book going for 88m coins. A few weeks after that, the price of this type of book was all the way up at about 114m coins. So much wasted potential.
Hopefully, we learned from our mistakes and can make better business decisions for next time.
Dungeons Gear
After that failure in the Dark Auction event, I walked away with just a Midas staff. No tier 7 enchants on anything. I was sad.
I saw this amazing chestplate for 69.42m coins. At this time, Necromancer Lord Chestplates were 42m. Considering growth 7, protection 7, and counter-strike were all ridiculously expensive, I asked myself: “why not?”
So I bought it. It was a “good deal”, since it would cost me over 120m to make that myself.
- Growth 7 + Protection 7 = ~40m
- Counter-Strike 5 = ~20m
- Clean Chestplate = ~40m
- Recombobulator = ~5m
- Fuming HPBs = ~5m
- Wisdom 5 = ~4m
- True Protection I = ~1m
- Essence to Star = ~5m
- Rejuvenate 5 = ~750k
Total: ~120m, where I only bought it for 69.420m.
However, not all “good deals” should be bought, like Midases. All 50m Midases are a “good deal” because it cost way more to make it than you pay for it.
Later, though, when we wanted to afford Storm’s Armor and a Hyperion, I auctioned it, and it only went for 63m. So I lost about 6m from that.
The story of the Hyperion and the Storm’s Armor
With the decline of prices with anything End-related, we decided to go all-in dungeons and completely abandon The End. Getting a Legendary Ender Dragon Pet really isn’t worth as much, and getting a Necron’s Handle (at the time ~400m), would be essentially dropping an old-priced Legendary Dragon pet, plus a bit extra. So, we crafted a Hyperion ourselves, purchasing all of the items necessessary from the auction house, as that would save us around 30m.
We overpaid massively for this. First off, we bought the handle for 400m. Now, it’s under 300m for the handle. We also overpaid for the Wither Catalysts, at around 2m per instead of the current 1m that it’s at right now. In total, we spent about 730m coins crafting this Hyperion. We sold our Legendary Ender Dragon pet for this (since we were hoping to buy it back after we used the Hyperion to make money). We bought another Legendary Ender Dragon pet a while ago for around 340m coins. We leveled it up, and resold it for around 270m on the auction house. We lost a lot of money there.
To afford this Hyperion, we sold a ton of our gear. I had to say good-bye to my high-level pets, and my Midas Staff. I also sold my Spirit Sceptre for so much less than I crafted it for (sold for around 27m, when I crafted it for 39m). We also sold my elegant tux set and griffin pet (since we both had one so that we could both grind the griffin event together). We sold so much for this.
We almost lost our Ender Dragon pet purchasing this Handle. A user by the name of FlowerMinionXI wanted to trade his Handle for our Ender Dragon. At that time, our Ender Dragon was worth 315m, and the handle was around 400m (so the Hyperion costed at least 700m). He kept insisting that the Ender Dragon was worth 600m, and tried to get us to trade it to him, since he gave us a discount. He said he would stream his screen on Discord while trading it to us in a backpack.
In the NEU’s custom trade menu, we were about to do the trade, but the price gap was way too suspicious, so we declined it last-second. NEU did say that there was a Hyperion in there (because it displayed 600m on their side of the screen (note that NEU is slightly inaccurate and the price was closer to 700m than 600m)).
Good thing we declined that trade, because a few days later, one of ToadStar0’s (YouTuber) Discord moderators did the trade with FlowerMinionXI and it turned out to be a Smite 1 iron sword.
After we crafted the Hyperion, we also crafted Storm’s armor, because it was cheaper to craft the Wither Chestplate + 8 L.A.S.R. eyes than to purchase the Storm’s chestplate.
We bought the Wither Chestplate, with no stars, for 80m. Now, a Wither Chestplate is only worth 30m.
We wasted a ridiculous amount of money on the Storm’s armor.
End-Related Matters
We have lost a lot of money to end-related products. Mainly, on Dragons.
My coop loves doing dragons. Maybe a bit too much. After making huge profits on the previous dragons, we decided to continue. However, as later floors of dungeons were released (floor 5 in particular), that pretty much ended the profitableness of dragons.
The reason we were able to make so much profit on dragons was because of 2 factors: we were lucky, and the prices of everything were super high.
At that point, Strong Dragon Armor was profitable for some reason, and so was Wise Dragon Armor. AOTD’s were around 3m at the time, and the Dragon Claw was 2m at the time. Superior Dragon Fragments were around 300k per as well, and a Legendary Dragon Pet at lv 1 cost around 460m.
With the introduction of Floor 5, however, things changed. AOTD’s dropped in price, all the way down to around 1m per, and Superior Dragon Armor slowly dropped lower and lower.
Here’s what Superior Dragon Fragments are at today. As you can see, they’ve dropped a LOT.
Dungeons gear has basically outclassed the majority of things from The End. The Dragon Claw (Fabled) is no longer the best reforge for melee damage. It’s now Withered, from Dungeons. Additionally, the Renowned (Dragon Horn) is no longer the best reforge anymore for armor. Now, it’s Ancient (Precursor Gear) for damage. Superior Dragon Armor isn’t the best anymore, because it’s outclassed by Shadow Assassin Armor, and also Necron’s Armor. The End is no longer for end-game players, but now, it’s been moved into the more mid-game.
It’s a shame that Dragon Horns have dropped in value this much. They used to be so profitable.
Doing dragons after floor 5 was released, we lost about 200m to dragons. Poof. Money gone. My coop placed 2 eyes each time. Since SpartanRaph117 is really good at dragons, he was able to get the top 2 (which is needed to roll for the dragon pet) the large majority of the time.
During all of those dragons, SpartanRaph117 actually got a dragon pet. If we had sold it at the time, we would have earned 130m. However, now, a level 1 dragon pet is only worth 40m, because now that Dungeons is the end-game content, Baby Yeti pets are pretty much the best pet for that, and not Dragon Pets.
So, we lost a ton of money because the playerbase no longer highly valued Dragon Pets.
We also lost money because Superior Dragon Armor dropped in value. If we were to sell now, we would have lost a lot of money, instead of selling it back then. We decided to keep both of our sets of Superior Dragon armor because of sentimental value.
We also put growth 6 protection 6 on Spartanraph117’s set, when growth 6 cost about 8m per, and protection 6 cost 4m per, so it was really expensive. Now, however, because of the Enchanting Update, growth 6 and prot 6 combined is about 4m (2m each).
We have lost a lot of money over this past year. These were some of the most notable ways we lost money. We didn’t include the few times Escrow stole my Ancient Roses and never gave them back, or the times when I accidentally /warp dungeon_hub before the chest finishes opening, nor did we include the times when I typed in the wrong number into the auction house, selling a Rod of Legends for 1,200,000 instead of 12,000,000.