Poetry Practice Test

Intended for a 9th grade advanced LA class in Washington.

The following practice test will include:

  • Poetry Terms
  • Poetry Types
  • Poems from the yellow Song Lyrics Packet and green Poetry Anthology Packet
    • Poets, poetic terms used, themes, and subjects
  • Poem Analysis Steps
  • Chinese Literature
    • Biographies
    • Didactic Literature
    • Confucianism vs Taoism
    • Specific Poems

Test (answers are at the bottom):

  1. What is the definition of prose?
    1. A prow on a ship
    2. Poetry
    3. Any writing NOT poetry
    4. Rose spelled wrong
  2. What is the definition of meter?
    1. 38 inches, 100 cm
    2. A pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that gives a line of poetry a predictable rhythm
    3. Comparing two things using “like” and/or “as”
    4. The main idea or the main lesson the author wants you to learn.
  3. What is the definition of allusion?
    1. A reference to something everyone knows about
    2. The atmosphere of the poem
    3. Pattern of end rhymes between lines
    4. Poem with no meter patterns, rhyme, or musical pattern
  4. What is the definition of onomatopoeia?
    1. A description that uses senses
    2. Repeating the same vowel sound in quick succession in non-rhyming lines
    3. Repeating the same consonant sound in quick succession at the end of the line
    4. A sound spelled out
  5. What is the definition of mood?
    1. The atmosphere; he emotion the reader feels from reading the poem
    2. The poet’s attitude when writing
    3. The vantage point of the poem
    4. The author’s last name
  6. Which of these poems is a haiku?
    1. Roses are red
      Violets are red
      Everything’s red
      Communism (Unnamed)
    2. I don’t like poems
      Poems are not fun
      Why am I here? (Unnamed)
    3. I don’t like haikus
      They can be very random
      Refrigerator (Ethan Cruz)
    4. Perfect profound poems are precisely the perfect pair of popcorn (Unnamed)
  7. What is the definition of tanka?
    1. A form consisting of five lines. Each has a required number of syllables, and a specific topic.
    2. Another Japanese poem that depends on the number of lines and syllables instead of rhyme. 5 lines with 5-7-5-7-7 syllables where lines 4 and 5 rhyme.
    3. An ancient Japanese form with no rhyme. They often deal with nature. 3 lines with 5-7-5 syllables.
    4. Whimsical poems with five lines. Lines 1, 2, and 5 rhyme with each other and lines 3 and 4 rhyme with each other. AABBA rhyme scheme.
  8. What is the definition of sonnet?
    1. Poems of 14 lines that begin with 3 quatrains and end with one couplet. Each line must have 10 syllables, with every other syllable accented, starting with the 2nd syllable.
    2. Tell stories and are usually long.
    3. Diamond-shaped poems of seven lines that are written using parts of speech. Very similar to the Cinquain.
    4. Poetry without rules of form, rhyme, rhythm, or meter.
  9. What is the definition of Cinquain?
    1. Diamond-shaped poems of seven lines that are written using parts of speech.
    2. Whimsical poems with five lines. Lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyme with each other and lines 3 and 4 rhyme with each other. AABBA rhyme scheme.
    3. A form consisting of five lines. Each has a required number of syllables, and a specific topic.
    4. Another Japanese form that depends on the number of lines and syllables instead of rhyme. 5 lines with 5-7-5-7-7 syllables where lines 4 and 5 rhyme.

      Use the choices in question 10 for questions 11 – 16

  10. Who wrote the poem “Big Yellow Taxi“?
    1. Paul Simon and Peter Garfunkel
    2. Dave Matthews
    3. Don McLean
    4. Joni Mitchell
    5. Paul McCartney
    6. Walt Whitman
    7. Robert Herrick
    8. William Shakespeare
    9. Henry David Thoreau
    10. Vachel Lindsay
  11. Who wrote “O Me! O Life!“?
  12. Who wrote “Where I Lived, and What I Lived For“?
  13. Who wrote “Song of Myself“?
  14. Who wrote “Sonnet 18“?
  15. Who wrote “Vincent“?
  16. Who wrote “O Captain! O Captain“?
  17. What is the best theme for Turn Turn Turn?
    1. There are always 3 turns
    2. Everything good comes in threes
    3. There is a “turn” for everything
    4. All of the above
  18. Who was the Little Drummer Boy in The Little Drummer Boy playing his drum for?
    1. Miss Rollins
    2. Jesus
    3. His parents
    4. His friends
    5. Never said
  19. In Big Yellow Taxi, which is an example of alliteration?
    1. “Don’t it always seem to go”
    2. “Hey now, they’ve paved paradise to put up a parking lot”
    3. “Hey now now”
    4. “Hey farmer, farmer, put away your DDT”
  20. In Yesterday, which is an example of internal rhyme?
    1. “Suddenly, I’m not half the man I used to be”
    2. “Oh, I believe in yesterday”
    3. “Now I need a place to hide away”
    4. “Why she had to go I don’t know she wouldn’t say”
  21. In Vincent, which is NOT an example of imagery?
    1. “Look out on a summer’s day”
    2. “Portraits hung on empty walls”
    3. “Morning fields of amber grain”
    4. “But I could have told you, Vincent”
  22. Which poem is a metaphor of Lincoln’s death?
    1. Ulysses
    2. The Road Not Taken
    3. O Captain! My Captain!
    4. The Congo
  23. Choose the best theme of the Road Not Taken.
    1. Always take the road less traveled by
    2. Choices you make will affect you for the rest of your life
    3. If you take the road not taken, you will always be happy
    4. Always take the road more traveled by
    5. Copy Robert Frost

      Match the description of the poet to the poet. Use the choices in question 24 for questions 25-38

  24. This poet used didactic literature.
    1. Lao Tzu
    2. Tu Fu
    3. Li Po
    4. Confucius
    5. Li Ch’ing-chao
    6. Book of Odes
  25. This poet wrote the poem The Fish Rejoice.
  26. This poet was the founder of Taoism.
  27. This poet wrote the poem On Plum Blossoms.
  28. This poet was known as “the poet’s poet”
  29. This poet lived during the Song Dynasty.
  30. This poet wrote the poem Gazing at the Lu Mountain Waterfall.
  31. This poet was exiled.
  32. This poet was a girl.
  33. This poet had 3 main concepts – humanity, gentlemen, and ritual.
  34. This poet talks about having the “Right Relationship
  35. This poet wrote the poem Song of P’eng-ya.
  36. The poem We Pick Ferns, We Pick Ferns is a poem inside of this collection of poems.
  37. This poet wrote the poem Jade Flower Palace.
  38. This poet knew Li Po and also lived during the Tang Dynasty.


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D
  11. F
  12. I
  13. F
  14. H
  15. C
  16. F
  17. C
  18. B
  19. B “Hey now, they’ve paved paradise to put up a parking lot”
  20. A “Suddenly, I’m not half the man I used to be
  21. D
  22. C
  23. B
  24. D
  25. A
  26. A
  27. E
  28. B
  29. E
  30. C
  31. C
  32. E
  33. D
  34. D
  35. B
  36. F
  37. B
  38. B

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