This is the Best Ghost Skin in Valorant

On pistol rounds, what gun do you buy? Most people buy the ghost, and if you play Valorant, you know skins are satisfying to have. In this article, I will be going over the top 3 ghost skins in Valorant.


Sovereign Ghost

The sovereign ghost has to be the best ghost skin in the game. This is a popular choice, you will likely see it in every competitive match you play. I think the design of the skin is very clean, and the kill sound is satisfying. This is on the cheaper side being 1775 Valorant Points.

Sovereign Ghost

Gaia’s Vengeance Ghost

Gaia’s Vengeance ghost in my opinion is the second best ghost skin in the game. The sound effect when you shoot the gun is nice, and the tree finisher is nice as well. This one isn’t as popular as sovereign, but this is just as nice. This ghost is also 1775 Valorant Points.


Radiant Entertainment System Ghost

This skin is on the more expensive side costing 2975 Valorant Points, however, the animations are really clean. This collection has the best animations compared to every other skin in the game. The sound effects are really nice as well.

Radiant Entertainment System

If you’re looking to buy any ghost skins, these are the skins I would recommend.

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