Well, this is my worst summoning session to date in my entire Fire Emblem: Heroes journey.
This banner popped up and I was debating over summoning on it for a the past few weeks. This banner lasted for a month. I wanted to summon for Colorless to get Mila. My Mila is currently +3, and any additional merges will permanently help me with my Aether raids score. Permanent upgrades are quite rare in Fire Emblem: Heroes and I figured this was a worthwhile investment of my orbs.
For this session, my plan was to choose only Colorless orbs until the Spark. Then, I would have enough orbs left over to pull on the Brave Heroes banner also up to the spark.
I started off strong by getting an Eir on the first summon of this session. Note that I used the free pull a while back.
I also got some pretty bad circles with no Colorless orbs. In those cases, I would choose Blue because it had attuned Ivy, who is the only modern unit of the batch.
Well, I hit 40 summons and didn’t get any 5 stars after the Eir.
Reaching the Spark
I redeemed my free summon and chose Mila.
Now, I sat here and pondered if I should continue summoning, since the rate was so high already. I only had 140 orbs left, and I needed 135 to summon on the brave heroes banner up to the Spark if I did full circles. Surely, I could get any 5-star within a few orbs as to not waste this high pity rate. Based on the title of this post, you probably already know where this is going.
Going past the spark
I continued summoning past the spark.
9.5%, 10%, 10.5%…
My barracks filled up. I only prepared 50 spaces because I didn’t know that this was going to happen. I cleared up 20 more spaces and continued summoning.
At this point, I hit 11% on the pity rate. Each circle I asked myself if I should stop.
Each time I saw multiple Colorless orbs in a single circle, I told myself that it would still be worth it if I got 3 Milas in this circle.
Now, we have hit 12%. And the circle has no Colorless orbs.
At this point, I decided to call it quits. I ended the banner with 12% pity rate. This sets my account’s progress back significantly.
I remember hitting 14.5% on a legendary banner, so at least this isn’t the absolute worst summoning session I’ve ever had, but this is one of the worst. If I kept going, I might have seen all the way up to there. After 120 summons, there is the 100% 5-star rate, so you can get a full circle of 5-star units, but I’m only half-way there, and there’s no guarantees that I won’t get a Mila or Eir right before it.
Especially in a time like this when powercreep in FEH is at an all-time high and I should be getting some modern units. A couple merges on Mila or Eir will not help me in the slightest for Summoner Duels. This is purely scoring-based for Aether raids. There’s the Emblem Hero banner at the end of September, which I really would like to get, so I might need to skip summoning on the Brave Heroes banner to have enough orbs for that.
Well, on the bright side, at least there was a Spark so I got at least 1 Mila. Looking back, I should have stopped after summoning Eir, or once I reached the Spark. Continuing past the Spark is very risky.
Unfortunately, I wasted the additional pity rate. I’ve wasted a few 10% and 10.5% rates, but this is the first time I’m wasting a 12% rate, which is a feels bad moment. The next circle could have 3 Milas, but it also might not.
Here are the heroes I summoned during this session. It starts from Eir, and Mila was from the Spark.
In this session, I spent 288 orbs. 283 of them were after the Eir and no 5-stars.
According to https://fehstatsim-v1.fullyconcentrated.net/, the 50th percentile would be in 45 orbs. This means I should have gotten about 6 units (7 including the Spark) on average at this point. However, that didn’t happen and I ended up being worse than the 99th percentile.