How I Quadrupled My Tracker Score

It is the start of the new act, and I already quadrupled my previous tracker score. In this article, I will be going over how I did that.


How I Did It

I’ve only played 2 games, and I am playing a lot better than I previously was. I changed up my play style, which actually is helping me get more kills and impact.


One way I’ve changed my play style so far is by playing more with my team. One bad habit I still have is baiting. I sometimes will wait for my teammate to peak and die before I swing out and try to kill the enemy. However, my aim isn’t that good and I just end up losing and giving the enemy 1v1 situations rather than a 2v1. In my most recent games, I tried to play with my teammates more, especially when attacking.


Another thing I tried to improve in my play style is using my utility smarter. For example, if there are two players pushing you from separate entry points, you can molly one of the entry points so you can fight the other player in a 1v1. Not only using utility for myself, but also flashing for entry and for my teammates. Also to just use my utility in general, I sometimes will have a flash and just not use it.

Although I only have played a few games this act, I hope to continue performing well and climb the ranks.

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