Did I get the Heroes I wanted? – FEH

The 7th anniversary of FEH’s release is here! With that, they gave us a bunch of tickets for free 5-star summons. In this article, I will be going over who I got with those tickets.


Summoning Strategy

My strategy was to summon red first to get Summer Duo Byleth. After that, I would go for green because I need axe valor to make my life easier when leveling up axe units. If there are no red or green, then I would randomly select the other colors.



I got Duo Byleth which I am very happy about. Some of the notable 5-stars are

  • 1x Duo Anna
  • 1x Duo Byleth
  • 1x Duo Idunn
  • 1x Duo Dorothea
  • 2x Duo Peony
  • 2x Duo Veronica
  • 1x Young Caeda

I got so many new Duo heroes. I am gonna have a fun time leveling them up. It is unfortunate that I did not get axe valor. I guess I will have to wait until next year when they give us more free tickets.

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