How’s my 2024 Arena Progress? | Fire Emblem: Heroes

Some of you may be wondering if I’m still doing well in the Arena after playing Fire Emblem: Heroes for 7 years? Fire Emblem: Heroes came out on February 2nd, 2017, which is such a long time ago!

Well, here’s my progress update for this week (1/9/2024 – 1/15/2024).


This week in the arena, I managed to maintain tier 21. I ranked about 1,100 out of the 1,300 players that get to maintain tier 21.


Annoyingly, I had to play the arena twice this week because I didn’t score high enough the first time around. I needed to give Camilla a 500 SP special to score high enough to maintain Tier 21. She is the bonus legendary for this week, meaning I didn’t need to reroll for opponents in the Arena. I fought so many Duo Seidr’s in the arena, which was super annoying since I didn’t have my Legendary Azura. The enemy’s Duo Seidr moves, then is able to end my unit’s action immediately after, and sometimes, there is nothing I can do about it since I am not running any positional skills.

Duo Corrin is still amazing for the Arena because she can snipe an enemy unit, and I can use her duo skill, then run out of range, which really helps when facing high threat-range teams.

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Arena Assault

This week in Arena Assault, I was able to score in the top 1k.


I used the same team as the Arena, except I replaced Camilla with my +10 Legendary Azura. I fought plenty of +10 Duo Byleth’s and +10 Duo Seidr’s. For some reason, I thought I wouldn’t have enough counters for Duo Byleth, but turns out Freyr, Ratatoskr, Brave and Legendary Chrom, and Forsyth, and Brave Dimitri can be used as counters, with the proper support of course.

In most of my matches, I make sure to always, or almost always have a dancer. The unit that I was worried about the most was actually Legendary Corrin and her new refine, as most of my ranged units can’t handle her.

Allegiance Battles

This week in Allegiance battles, I also scored in the top 1k and getting the maximum rewards.

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For this, I used my Azura, Byleth, Itsuki, and Alear. I paired up my Byleth with my Young Innes, and and used one of my friends’ Winter Edelgard paired up with Alear. Having a dancer makes this game mode so much easier, and I’m glad that I got Azura to +10.

Resonant Battles

In this week’s resonant battles, I went up from Tier 20 to Tier 21.


I’m not able to maintain Tier 21, as I don’t have merged Harmonic heroes. My only merged harmonized hero is my +10 Azura & Leanne. I’m also still missing some Harmonized Heroes, so sometimes I drop to Tier 19. This week I was able to use my +10 Azura & Leanne and an unmerged hero as well.

Aether Raids

In this week’s resonant battles, I was able to maintain Tier 38. I was not able to reach the top 3k however.


The bonus defense mythic for this season was Gullevig, which I don’t have. I do have a +5 Arval at least, so it brings down the losses from -60 to -55. I lost a lot of defenses this week. I got 3 or 4 -55s, and 1 -35. I didn’t lose any units this week during offense, and only used 3 of the 7 ladders.

I haven’t updated my defense in a long while. I need to do that at some point.


Here is the Aether raids team I use on offense. I only used this team – it’s a hit and run team. I use Duo Ayra to snipe one of the enemies, then run all the way back. Canto (Dist. + 1) is so good. Luckily, I didn’t run into any teams with with Canto Control. And even if I did, I still have so many extra escape ladders.


My Astra season team scores much less than my Light season team. On Astra season, my highest merged mythics are Elimine +4, Plumeria +2, and Thorr +2. I ran Ratotskr as the bonus offense bonus mythic instead of Thorr because I didn’t feel like building any of the other bonus units. For Light season, I have my +10 Askr (+8 for the longest time until recently), +5 Peony, and +2 Mila.

I’m hoping that AHR 2024 will have an Astra mythic on it so I can consistently reach Tier 39 in Aether raids on Astra season. There is a good candidate, Veyle, which is an Astra mythic. I think she has a chance of being on AHR 2024 due to popularity. During my adventure 2 years ago during the 2022 all-green A Hero Rises, I only got a few copies of Thorr, and didn’t get to +10 her, which has hurt my Aether Raids Astra scoring for the longest time.

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