Getting 40 Orbs in 1 week #6 – FEH

After another week, I’m at 67 orbs, that’s 40 orbs this past week. In this article, I will be going over how I got those orbs.


Daily Log-In

The daily log-ins gave me 9 orbs this week. Since tempest trials and new heroes log-in bonus is also going to start, so I will be getting a lot more of those orbs next week.


The legendary and mythic hero battle came out this past week. The new L! Camillia battle gave me 9 orbs, I didn’t finish L! Deidre’s battle in the past, so I got another 4 orbs from that.

L! Camilla

I got 1 orb from the arena.

Hall of Forms started up again. However, I forgot to play for a day or 2, so I only got 2 orbs from that this week.

Sain and Kent’s bound hero battle gave me another 9 orbs.

Lastly, I got 1 orb from Rival Domains.


I got 5 orbs this week from the quests, 4 of those were from Voting Gauntlet.

Thankfully, there hasn’t been any new banners that made me really want to summon recently. My goal for January, is to have 150 orbs by the end of January at least.

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