Gulleveig and Kvasir Summons – FEH

I have been saving orbs these past couple weeks. However, when I saw this banner, I caved and summoned on it. I spent almost all the orbs I saved. I thought Gulleveig and Kvasir were really good so I wanted them.


My summoning strategy was to go for red and gray. My lower priority target is F! Byleth since I have her at +4 and want to +10 her. If there are no red or gray, I will pull blue because I don’t have many of those heroes other than Nurthuz.


I am pretty disappointed with the results. I spent 137 orbs in 33 summons to get M! Nurthuz, and L! Guinivere. That’s a 68.5 orbs per 5* or 16.5 summons per 5* .  If I knew I was going to get these heroes with the amount of orbs I spent, I wouldn’t have summoned on it. Now I have to start saving again which is going to be pain.

L! guin and M! Nurthuz

Summoning session starts from 3* Eirika



I am going to try not to summon at least until the holiday banner. It’s time to start saving orbs up again.



I put 14 more orbs into the banner because that was the rest of the orbs I had. I got Gulleveig and she is +attack! This makes me pretty happy, but I still wouldn’t have put all my orbs on this banner. That makes my orbs to 5* ratio now to 50.3 per 5*.


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