Who Did I Pick From CYL? – FEH

The CYL! banner came out recently, introducing M! Robin, F! Corrin, Soren, and Guleveig. In this article, I will tell you why I picked this hero out of the 4.

From the new banner, I picked Soren. I have a couple reasons why I picked him.

Green Mage

I do not have many good green mages other than Heior. I need more of these green mages because there are units such as Freyr and Nurbuz whom I cannot defeat at all.


S! Ephraim Stats

Freyr Stats

Soren VS Freyr

Soren Stats

Assign Decoy

I find this useful in some scenarios where my Fallen F! Byleth becomes a near savior and can tank for my squishier units. Although I didn’t 100% think this through because I thought it would be more useful then it actually turned out to be.


I did try and summon for the other heroes putting in 40 orbs. However, I did not get any 5-stars.



I do not completely regret picking Soren, he is still useful in Aether Raids and Summoner Duels. Outside of that, I do not use him at all, which is okay since I tend to auto battle for most maps unless it fails. I probably should’ve waited a little bit longer to decide who to pick. My goal right now is to finish building my F! Chrom by giving him ruptured sky from Byleth. My plan to get Byleth is by using the Arena Ticket 4-star special ticket once a week. It has been about 2 months summoning once a week on it and I still have not gotten either M! or F! Byleth. That’s all in this week’s article, tune in soon to hear how summoning on the L! banner went.


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