A couple months ago, I had summoned enough to +10 Fallen Chrom. Since Fallen Chrom is a rearmed hero, his skills can be inherited without losing him. Currently in the remix banner, there is CYL! Chrom who has Spd/Def Near Trace 3 and Surge Sparrow which will be really good for Fallen Chrom. Since I saved up 143 orbs I decided to summon for 2 CYL Chrom’s, 1 for my collection and 1 to fodder him.
One problem I have with this banner is that there are 2 blue focus units, L! Chrom and CYL! Chrom. So I could accidentally get the wrong Chrom. My summoning strategy is to pull only blue. If there is no blue, then pull gray because I don’t have those heroes.
Summoning session starts from 4-star Oscar.
After 23 summons, I was fortunate enough to get 2 CYL!Chroms and only one L!Chrom. This summoning session was not as lucky as my previous ones. I got one 5-star every 7.6 summons.
I am a little disappointed since I did not have my usual luck. At least I did not have to spark for him. Now, I am going to save orbs for the upcoming legendary banner in a couple of weeks.