Spending 1800 orbs summoning on Veronica – Fire Emblem: Heroes

Legendary Veronica and Yuri are on this banner, so you know what that means. It’s the long awaited summoning session that’s supposed to be this year’s replacement for this year’s A Hero Rises event.

I’m really hoping that I have enough orbs saved up. I’ve been saving orbs since late last year, but I have also pulled on some banners here and there for units such as Rearmed Ingrid (see this post) and Legendary Hinoka (see this post).

My Goals for this summoning session

  • 10 Copies of Legendary Yuri, since I already have 1 copy (see this post)
  • 8 Copies of Legendary Veronica, since I already have 3 copies (see this post)
  • 11 Copies of Alear
  • 9 Copies of Askr
  • 1 Legendary Guinivere, so that I don’t need to fish for high-scoring opponents this month in the Arena

Summoning Video

After the video ended, I decided to check up on my Google Opinion Rewards balance, and it turns out I had $11.45 in there. I redeemed the FEH pass with the free money that I’ve been earning.

I used the Spark on Askr, then spent the rest of my orbs still sniping red orbs. The FEH pass also gave me 5 orbs from the extra quests. From these remaining 172+5 orbs, I got 4 more five-star units (excluding the spark).


Heroes Obtained

Here is a list of all of the 5-star heroes I got during this massive summoning session.

Heroes Obtained List
  1. Alear (-Atk/+Spd)
  2. Askr (+Spd/-Res)
  3. Saber (-HP/+Def)
  4. Alear (-HP/+Atk)
  5. Legendary Veronica (-Atk/+Def)
  6. Askr (Neutral)
  7. Legendary Veronica (-HP/+Atk)
  8. Brave Celica (-HP/+Spd)
  9. Askr (+Spd/-Res)
  10. Legendary Yuri (-Spd/+Res)
  11. Legendary Guinivere (+Spd/-Res)
  12. Alear (-HP/+Atk)
  13. Adrift Camilla (-Atk/+Spd)
  14. Alear (-Spd/+Def)
  15. Legendary Guinivere (+HP/-Def)
  16. Velouria (+Spd/-Def)
  17. Ayra (+Spd/-HP)
  18. Askr (-Spd/+Res)
  19. Legendary Yuri (+HP/-Spd)
  20. Sacred Memories Eirika (+Atk/-Res)
  21. Alear (+HP/-Spd)
  22. Legendary Yuri (-Spd/+Res)
  23. Legendary Veronica (+Atk/-Spd)
  24. Legendary Guinivere (-HP/+Res)
  25. Alear (+Atk/-Def)
  26. Phina (-Spd/+Res)
  27. Legendary Veronica (+HP/-Res)
  28. Legendary Veronica (-Atk/+Spd)
  29. Alear (Neutral)
  30. Legendary Veronica (+Atk/-Res)
  31. Legendary Guinivere (Neutral)
  32. Alear (-Spd/+Def)
  33. Legendary Veronica (+Atk/-Spd)
  34. Legendary Yuri (-Atk/+Def)
  35. Alear (-Spd/+Def)
  36. Young Tiki (-HP/+Res)
  37. Exalt Chrom (Neutral)
  38. Legendary Veronica (+Atk/-Spd)
  39. Alear (+HP/-Def)
  40. Fallen Julia (-HP/+Res)
  41. Legendary Veronica (-HP/+Res)
  42. Zelgius (-Atk/+Spd)
  43. Alear (-Atk/+Spd)

This is after I stopped recording and purchased the FEH pass:

  1. Yuri (neutral)
  2. Askr (-Atk/+Res)
  3. Sigurd (-Atk/+Res)
  4. Askr (-HP/+Def)

And, Askr (Neutral) from the spark.

Summoning Results

I’m very glad I pulled for Legendary Veronica on the A Hero Rises banner earlier this year – otherwise I would not have been able to get her to +10.

In the video, I spent 1,701 orbs and got 43 five-star units. Therefore, it cost me 39.56 orbs per five-star.

After the video ended, I used the remaining 172+5 orbs to get 4 five-star units (excluding the spark). Therefore, it cost me 44.25 orbs per five-star.

In total, I spent 1,878 orbs and got 47 five-star units (excluding the Spark). This means the cost per five-star is 39.96 orbs. From some calculations done a while back, the average cost per five-star should be slightly above 40 orbs. Looking at the graph for 600 orbs on the legendary banner, the average five-star count was about 16. Since I spent 1,878 orbs, I would expect to have gotten 48 five-stars. However, that calculation was done when four-star specials did not exist. So, I would expect to have gotten about 48 focus units. During this summoning session, I got 36 focus five-star units and 11 four-star special heroes.

This means, it cost me on average 52.17 orbs per focus five-star, and puts me between the 75th and 90th percentile to get Alear or Veronica. The graph below was made by https://fullyconcentrated.net/fehstatsim/index.html.

In theory, if I were at the 50th percentile, I could have obtained one of these by the 1300 orbs mark, which I unfortunately did not. However, the cost for me to get+10 Yuri is going to be well over 2,000 orbs, since I already spent some during his original debut banner for one copy. sirknightj_legendary_veronica_results

Overall thoughts

In summary, the summoning session could have went better. I am a bit disappointed that I wasn’t able to +10 all the units I wanted, and my luck this time seems to be much worse than average. I seem to usually get unlucky when doing these large summoning sessions. For instance, my Legendary Azura summons (700+ orbs) was below average, last year’s A Hero Rises summons (1300+ orbs) were below average, and this (1800+ orbs) was way below average.

If I didn’t summon earlier to grab 3 extra copies of Legendary Veronica during A Hero Rises, I wouldn’t have gotten her to +10 during this summoning session. You can check out that summoning session here. Getting lucky is part of the game, however, when dealing with large amounts of orbs like this, getting unlucky will set your account back by a lot. We only get around 250 orbs per month, so being in the top 1% vs the bottom 1% is a huge difference.

For the previous year’s all-green A Hero Rises event, I spent 1300+ orbs, and got 40 5-star units. Even then, I was slightly worse than average. You can check out those results here. Overall, I’ve been on the unlucky side when I go to spend huge amounts of orbs. Even still, I’m still able to score well in Arena, and with my highly-merged Askr, I can now score much higher in Aether raids.

On the bright side, at least I got one +10 wind legendary unit my the Wind season has improved, and I got a tanky unit which I’ve been wanting for some time now, since all of my +10 units are pretty squishy nukes. Alear has speed-based damage reduction in her weapon, B-skill, and C-skill after combat. If I redeem Flame Tribe Lyn or Ascended Mareeta from the divine codes, I can get an additional layer of damage reduction. Plus, I was able to get a ton of merges on Askr.

Future Goals

Now that my orb balance is back to 0, it’s time for me to start saving again.

My goals now are to get two copies of Askr so that I can get him to +10, and think about whether I want to obtain 5 more copies of Legendary Yuri. For Astra mythics, my highest-merged one is Elimine at +4, then Thorr at +2. Perhaps what I can hope for next is for a red astra mythic to color share when Legendary Yuri comes back next.

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