Summoning for Summer Edelgard – Fire Emblem: Heroes

Today, the Summer Vacation banner is on its rerun. I wanted Summer Edelgard to make it to the top 4 in the A Hero Rises event this year so that I could go all-in on that banner. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. I wanted to get her for a long time since I’ve been hearing that she makes Aether Raids offense super easy.

Currently, my Aether Raids strategies that I use the most are hit & run, and tanking. This is, in part, due to the highest offense-mythic heroes I have merged up. My highest-merged mythic units were Elemine+4 for Astra season, and Mila+2 for light season. Recently, I got Peony+4, but since I’m not used to playing with Galeforce, I’m not as experienced playing with it.


I started with 1810 orbs. Before I started summoning, I told myself that I would not drop lower than 1750 orbs, in order to make sure I have enough for the legendary banner that I am going to go all-in for at the end of the month.

Thankfully, 8 summons in and I got her. She is -Spd/+Res which I am totally fine with.



Here is the list of heroes I got, starting from Marth to the left of sword Reinhardt. I got sword Reinhardt as a random 4-star special on my second summon.

summer_vacation_summon_resultsOverall, I’m very pleased with this summoning session. I got two 5-star units in 32 orbs, making it an average of 16 orbs per 5-star hero, which is amazing. My luck has been top-tier recently, which is probably starting to make up for all the horrible summoning sessions that I had from the previous years.

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