AHR 2023 Summons!


Well, it’s finally time. The 2023 3/4 red AHR banner is about to end and I need to make a decision before the banner ends.

My thinking at this time has changed a bit, now I’m thinking that going all-in probably isn’t a good idea. Reason being that having a +10 Ninja Camilla or +10 Rearmed Ophelia won’t do me as much good as having a +10 Legendary along with a +10 Mythic unit. I need to scope out some other Legendary/Mythic banner that has that sort of color sharing. May’s legendary banner will feature Legendary Veronica along with Legendary Yuri, so that might be a better banner to spend the rest of my orbs.

Hopefully I can get at least 1 Veronica, and then another from the spark in order to make May’s legendary banner a bit cheaper for myself. I’ll only be summoning up until the first spark.


  • I started at 1706 orbs. My plan is to only pull for red orbs, as merging up defensive mythics really isn’t worth it in my opinion.


Here are some notable moments:


  • I got extremely lucky early on. Getting Veronica on my 4th pull and Camilla on my 8th!


  • Got Camilla again on my 16th pull, and got my first Kamui on the 24th pull.


  • Got Ophelia on my 26th pull, and also found my first circle during this session with no red or colorless orbs.


  • Finished off this session with another Veronica! And also picking her up as the spark.


  • I finished with 1528 orbs. In total, I spent 178 orbs on this banner. I’d say I got pretty lucky – no off-focus units!
  • Here is my barracks. This AHR session starts with the 3-star Ares.

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Overall, I’m pretty happy. I ended up with a total of 3 Legendary Veronica’s.

How many more orbs do I need to spend to ’till +10?

Looking at the https://www.fullyconcentrated.net/fehstatsim/ site, I’d need 2050 orbs for 11 copies of Veronica, to be in the 50th percentile.

11_veronicas_legendary_bannerTo get 8 copies, I need 1469 orbs to be in the 50th percentile.


That’s 581 orbs less! Since I only spent 178 orbs on this banner, I saved 403 orbs! Yay.

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