The Dungeon Experience – Hypixel Skyblock

Dungeons is one of the most fun things to do in Hypixel Skyblock, however it can be frustrating at times. As a player with catacombs level 50, I will share my dungeon experience during my time as a dungeon sweat.

Table of Contents

The Community

The dungeon community in Hypixel Skyblock is an interesting one, it is extremely polarized. You will meet some of the nicest people, but you will also encounter some of the more toxic people.

I remember when I was still a low catacombs level, playing floors 1-6. I had a good time when I played in the lower level floors. Most people were nice, although there were still many people that were not very nice, they had egos, were toxic, and were rude. Most people who are low catacombs level and playing the lower level floors tend to be more clueless, so they will be nicer as they do not know optimal strategies.

The mid-game players are where it starts getting more toxic. Mid game players tend to be playing floor 7 to master mode floor 3 Many people at this stage are watching guides and know optimal strategies. People started getting more irritated if you are not doing optimal strategies.

cata level

The end-game players are the most toxic of them all. These players are mostly playing master mode 4 to master mode 7. They get mad at all your poor qualities, like if you are not doing the most optimal secret route, don’t have a good pb, or not familiar with the latest strategies. They are focused on having fast runs, rather than chilling and having fun. However there are still lots of people who are nice and will not comment on these things.  When I used to play dungeons a lot with party finder, lots of people would get kicked for having a bad pb, that is one of the more important qualities to have. However it is important to note that because the catacombs level is high, most people expect you to have the knowledge and the skill close to them.


Especially when you find people who are trying to get a pb, that is where most people get even more toxic. Especially the more well known high catacombs people. I remember when I was trying to find a group going for pbs. After 1 run people would get kicked for messing up the run by doing a puzzle slow or anything else that slowed down the run.

The end-game community is also filled with many cheaters. I found that out first hand watching people from party finder cheat. They use auto terminals, anti-knockback, and d-map which shows the dungeon map ahead of time. Some parties in party finder expect you to have cheats or be really good at clearing, getting secrets, and terminals.

What I recommend is finding a group of friends to consistently play dungeons with, this will help you avoid most of the toxicity. They could also help you with getting a pb if they are nice. That’s how I got most of my pbs, my friends and I all needed pbs, so we all just kept doing pb runs which took a lot of time looking for the right dungeon to try going for a pb on.

Dungeon Itself

Dungeons at times is really fun, but at the same time also really frustrating. It’s fun when you get good drops and don’t encounter bugs. However, the dungeon does bug sometimes with the door key causing you to restart the run, or sometimes in master mode 7, the dungeon spawns the same dragon twice in phase 5. We’ve all been there where a dungeon becomes extremely slow with lag causing it to be unplayable and restart a run. Or a dungeon run has a glitched chunk that is causing problems. Or the server disconnects you for no reason, like timing you out.

There’s also been several bugs where you could have gotten inventory wiped which is worrying. No one wants to lose all their hard work to a bug. Or a dungeon could crash and you weren’t able to buy the chest at the end of the run which had really good loot.

dark claymore

Going for pbs in my opinion is just frustrating and not really worth it. You spend a lot of time trying to get one since it is just a flex to have one. Though if you do not have a group of friends to play with I can see a good pb being useful to get into dungeon parties since people care about that.


Despite there being many issues with dungeons, I would still play dungeons. I had a great time throughout my dungeon journey to catacombs level 50. If you have a group of friends, I would definitely recommend playing dungeons with them to have a good time. If you do not have a group of friends who play Skyblock, I still think you should still play dungeons to still have a good time.

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