What a surprise! Yuri is a legendary hero in Fire Emblem: Heroes. Because of the bonus units reducing the need to fish in the arena, I’ve decided to spend a few orbs for Legendary Yuri.
I started with 1656 orbs. Because I still haven’t pulled on the AHR banner yet as I’m still debating whether I want to go all-in or split the orbs with the Legendary banner in May (since it has L!Veronica and Plumeria on there). I am in a bit of a dilemma because I don’t want to spend that many orbs for Yuri. I budgeted about 120 orbs for Yuri. If I didn’t get him by then, I would just stop summoning because I wanted to save my orbs for Legendary Veronica instead.
Here are the results of my summoning session:
The first hero I pulled during this session was Scáthach.
And ended up with 1592 orbs. In total, I spent 58 orbs on the Legendary Yuri banner, not bad. This averages to about 4.14 orbs per summon. I could’ve spent 4 orbs less less. Since there was a Colorless orb in the same circle as Yuri I figured I could’ve gotten lucky with an Askr. Unfortunately I didn’t get him but still, I’m pretty happy getting Yuri in less than 100 orbs.
There were a bunch of circles that didn’t have any red orbs, which is why I had to pull Colorless and Green orbs. The only Colorless orb I chose because I wanted to was the very last one, after I summoned Yuri.
In case you’re wondering what IV’s I got, well… take a look for yourself…
It doesn’t really matter too much nowadays, as I don’t plan on merging him up. And I also have tons of trait fruits so I can use it if I really need it.