My Highest Scoring Arena Run – Fire Emblem Heroes

This week in Arena, I have accomplished my highest score in Arena ever.sirknightj_arena_774

Who did I use in my team?

I was able to achieve this due to the recent arena changes, where having the bonus legendary means you will be matched up with the highest-scoring opponents in your score range. Because Legendary M!Byleth is currently the arena bonus unit, and I have him at +10, I can reach a new all-time high!

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Using this team, I was able to get 774+12 each match. For the full arena run, I had a total score of 3930. I don’t recall ever seeing opponents this high. Even though my team usually is able to reach scores of this magnitude, due to the random nature, it’s extremely rare for me to actually be matched up with highest-scoring opponents in my scoring range.


What do opponent teams look like?

I did not run into a single Fomortiis, and I see him everywhere when playing the Arena Assault game mode. Here are three 774 teams that I ran into:

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My team is able to handle all the opponents I see up here. If I run into Duo Duma, Holst is my usual answer. If I were to run into Fomortiis (which I didn’t), then I have my Legendary M!Byleth to deal with him. I don’t think Fomortiis scores high enough for me to match up against him, due to not being able to be water blessed (since it’s Light/Dark season and not Astra/Anima).

To my surprise, the feature that allows you to lose a unit and not take a score hit did not affect me at all. I think that might come in handy when an opponent is too tanky and I need to sacrifice one of my units to do some chip damage.

What rank am I?

With my score of 3930, I am sitting comfortably maintaining tier 21. I am rank 426 out of 1256 of the players that are maintaining tier 21.

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My strategy for arena normally is to cycle between tier 20 and 21. However, if a unit I have at +10 is on the bonus list, I will try to maintain it if I can.


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