A Hero Rises Voting Gauntlet Pair-Ups – Fire Emblem: Heroes

Since the A Hero Rises 2023 top-voted heroes are right around the corner, I wanted to see if there was a way we can see which heroes are going to compete in the voting gauntlet.

Using past history as a guide, I’ve learned that Intelligent Systems have used multiple different strategies to pair up heroes.

Here is a link to the Fire Emblem Wiki page containing the past voting gauntlets.

Top 4 vs. Bottom 4

For example, here’s 2020’s top-voted heroes, in order:

  1. Altina
  2. Duo Alfonse
  3. Sothis
  4. Legendary Leif
  5. Winter Sothis
  6. Legendary Azura
  7. Legendary Alm
  8. Edelgard

And, here are the match-ups:

  • Altina vs Winter Sothis
  • Legendary Leif vs Edelgard
  • Duo Alfonse vs Legendary Azura
  • Sothis vs Legendary Alm

As you can see, they are doing the top 4 heroes vs their respective bottom 4.

Top 4 vs. Bottom 4 Reversed

This is the pattern we see in the 2021 and 2022 AHR events. To give an example of this pattern, we’ll use the 2021 AHR event. The top 8 are as follows:

  1. Seiros
  2. Lyn
  3. Legendary Dimitri
  4. Freyja
  5. Legendary F!Corrin
  6. Brave Edelgard
  7. Summer Byleth
  8. Duo Micaiah

And here are the matchups:

  • Seiros vs Duo Micaiah
  • Freyja vs Legendary F!Corrin
  • Duo Lyn vs Byleth
  • Legendary Dimitri vs Brave Edelgard

As you can see, this pattern still puts the top 4 vs the bottom 4, except the bottom 4 got reversed.

Round 1

I’m sure Intelligent Systems has some logic about why they went with what they did in the 2020 event.

AHR Event Matchups
2020 1 vs 5, 2 vs 6, 3 vs 7, 4 vs 8
2021 1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, 3 vs 6, 4 vs 5
2022 1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, 3 vs 6, 4 vs 5
2023 ?


It seems that Intelligent Systems doesn’t use the “going in order” pattern where they do 1 vs 2, 3 vs 4, etc. One reason that pattern may not be preferable is because we

Round 2

Less-importantly, there’s also the semi-finals round of the voting gauntlet. Anyone who made it onto this round would be on the banner, which is why this round is less-important than the first one. Doesn’t really affect the voting gauntlet that much, but still might be interesting to know.

AHR Event Matchups
2020 1/8 vs 4/8, 2/6 vs 3/6
2021 1/8 vs 4/8, 2/6 vs 3/6
2022 1/8 vs 4/8, 2/6 vs 3/6
2023 ?


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