Fire Emblem Heroes – 2022 In Review

It’s the last day of year 2022. Tomorrow, it’ll be 2023. Let’s spend a bit of time to look back for my progress in Fire Emblem Heroes this year. Year 2022 is the year when I finally was able to +10 exclusive 5* hero, not just one, but I managed to make 3 of them this year. What an accomplishment for a F2P. It was a hard journey to get there. Let’s take a look.


At about this time last year, I had about 800 orbs total (about 400 visible orbs, about 200 orbs with the owl and about 200 orbs from the maps that I haven’t finished yet). As of now, I have 726 visible orbs, 33 with the owl and 298 orbs from the maps that I haven’t finished yet for a total of 1,046 orbs. So, that means I have about 200 orbs more at this point than last year.


Note on how to read the chart:

  • Left Y-axis: orb expense amount
  • Right Y-axis: available orbs amount
  • Red column bar: orb spent on summoning session
  • Blue line: visible orb on top right of home screen
  • Green line: orb with the owl
  • Yellow line: orb from maps I haven’t finished
  • Blue, Green and Yellow line are stacked together

I had a few big summoning sessions where I spent more than 300 orbs this year:

  • Last March, I spent about 800 orbs on AHR banners chasing after Duo Female Corrin “Ninjorrin”. I managed to +10 her and got multiple copies of Harmonized Azura and Legendary Male Byleth (not enough to +10 though).
  • Then in May, I spent close to 400 orbs on Remix banner where I was so unlucky that I only got 3 focus heroes with those 400 orbs.
  • Late May, I spent about 350 orbs on Legendary Myrrh banner where I was unlucky again.
  • In August, I spent 308 orbs chasing after Legendary Alm. I got 2 copies from summoning and a spark from the Remix banner to finally +10 him.
  • The last one was in September. I spent 417 orbs on Harmonized Tana/Peony banner. If only F2P can spark on that banner, I wouldn’t need to spend that much orb. 🙁

I also spent enough orbs a few times this year to spark (more than 100 orbs). Got my Legendary Azura to +10 last March. So, all in all, I’d say this is a good year for me that I was able to +10 three exclusive heroes.

Duo Female Corrin


She has become my main hero in all of my game. She replaced Reinhardt ever since I got her to +10. If you’ve ever watched some of the guide that me and Jeremy made on YouTube, you’d probably know that I used him in pretty much every game. Unfortunately, Reinhardt has become quite irrelevant nowadays. There are simply too many heroes that he can’t defeat.

Duo Corrin is starting to turn into Reinhardt too lately. Though she’s still good, but she’s having a hard time defeating some newer units, such as Duo Duma, Seidr, Legendary Lilina, Duo Sigurd (dancer), Medeus, Harmonized Lysithea, the new red Ninja Camilla, Arval, etc.

Duo Corrin can defeat some of those enemies as long as the conditions are right. She needs help from other heroes. She can still win against Embla, Legendary Veronica, Duo red Chrom/Robin as long as she attacks them first.

But she simply lost to some of those enemies. If I encounter Duo Duma in the arena, that’s a checkmate for my arena team. No one in my team can defeat Duo Duma. The same as facing the new red Ninja Camilla. That’s automatic lost.

I know that I don’t have the best specials yet for her. I think the Rupture Sky special can help her a bit more, but I’m not sure how much longer she’ll stay relevant. IS introduced too many heroes that lately that she can’t defeat.

We’ll have to wait and see.

Legendary Alm


I managed to +10 him last August. He got his new refined weapon and new specials and skills. He’s pretty good now.

I also just got Brave Eliwood last week from arena reward summon. I foddered him to Legendary Alm. So, now my Alm has Rally Atk/Def+ and Swift Sparrow 3. I just need to give him more dragon flowers.

Unlike Duo Corrin, I don’t use him in all game mode. I use him on all of Earth season in the arena. I seldom use him in Ather Raids. He can defeat many of the enemies that Duo Corrin can’t defeat. But Duo Corrin 3 movement is more beneficial for me as I got used to playing that way ever since I played Reinhardt.

Legendary Azura

There’s nothing more to say. She’s a support character. I still use her in many game modes. Though I don’t use her that often in Aether Raids as I have other duo or harmonized dancers I can use.

She’s still an excellent support hero.

Free Summons

Now, let’s dive into the free summons from July – December 2022. I’ll use the same format as last time to make it easier to compare.

What’s included in the free summons? The 1st pull of every banner and tickets.


  • 5-Star: 1 – Muspell
  • 4-Star Special: 0
  • 4-Star: 18
  • 3-Star: 16
  • Total free summons: 35
  • Total banners: 27


We all got 1 free 5* CYL, I picked B!Seliph. We got lots of tickets this month.

  • 5-Star: 1 – F.Byleth
  • 4-Star Special: 2 – B!Hector, Ishtar
  • 4-Star: 24
  • 3-Star: 24
  • Total free summons: 51
  • Total banners: 38 (but I missed to pick from 1 banner)


  • 5-Star: 2 – 2x V!Gustav
  • 4-Star Special: 1 – Myrrh
  • 4-Star: 23
  • 3-Star: 11
  • Total free summons: 37
  • Total banners: 24


  • 5-Star: 0
  • 4-Star Special: 2 – Celica, Bow Hinoka
  • 4-Star: 19
  • 3-Star: 12
  • Total free summons: 33
  • Total banners: 29


  • 5-Star: 6 – B!Eirika, A!Florina, B!A.Tiki, Ganglot, A!Ishtar, L!Deirdre
  • 4-Star Special: 2 – Owain, B!Lucina
  • 4-Star: 20
  • 3-Star: 7
  • Total free summons: 35
  • Total banners: 22


We all got free 5-star Seidr.

  • 5-Star: 6 – A!Idunn, D!Marth, Zeke, Ingrid, L!F.Shez, B!Ephraim
  • 4-Star Special: 3 – Gray, Laevatein, Sonya
  • 4-Star: 13
  • 3-Star: 15
  • Total free summons: 37
  • Total banners: 24

Summon with orbs

  • Total orbs spent: 1,745 orbs
  • Total 5-Star heroes: 28
  • 4-Star Special heroes: 12
  • Total spark: 4


Let’s tally all of those up. Overall, in the last 6 months of 2022:

  • 50 5-Star heroes (28 summon with orb, 16 free summon, CYL, Seidr and 4 sparks)
  • 22 4-Star Special heroes
  • 1,745 orbs spent
  • 163 free summons
  • 65 tickets
  • 164 banners (I missed 1 banner)

Compared to my summoning result for the first 6 mnonths of 2022, I’m not as lucky as before. I spent about 300 less orbs, got less 5-star heroes and 4-star special heroes. There are about the same number of banners available in 6 months and 20 less tickets.

I don’t know which is worst, July where I got only 1 5-star hero or October where I got no 5-star hero but got 2 4-star special heroes. Either way, this last 6 months was really bad. November and December were pretty good, though. Unfortunately, not enough to compensate the bad luck from July – October. 🙁

Hopefully 2023 is going to be better for me.

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