I’ve been quite lucky on my journey to Enderman Slayer 9.
In this last post, I dropped two judgement cores.
As I’m nearing the home stretch, only about 175k more Enderman XP left to go. I recently got lucky again!
I dropped this core a few days ago:
The RNG meter had lots of XP stored in it before resetting, which is why it says 500 Stored XP.
And I dropped this one today, 64,500 XP later:
Seems like I forgot to set the drop in the RNG meter. I am currently at 827,805 Enderman XP, and I’ve dropped 4 cores in total. Very nice.
For some reason, the Dungeons RNG meter doesn’t reset when you get the chosen drop. It only resets when you fill the meter. The slayer one does reset, however.
Here is the meter resetting after filling:
Some runs later, I got this star:
As you can see, the meter doesn’t reset:This means we get boosted rates!