Analyzing My First Half of 2022 Fire Emblem Heroes Summoning Result


4th of July is almost here. Happy 4th, everyone! The first half of 2022 has come to an end. It’s time for some update. I posted my 2021 summoning results earlier this year. Let’s analyze my summoning results in Fire Emblem Heroes. How did I do?

Orb Status

Let’s start with a brief look at my orb status as of end of June 2022. Here’s the snapshot of my current orb stash.

My orb stash was at the highest level just prior to my spending spree in March – Legendary Azura banner and A Hero Rises banner. Since then I somehow was unable to keep my urge from summoning. I was having a hard time trying to save the orbs. I wasted many orbs here and there. It feels so hard to push myself to save.

As of end of June 2022, I have:

  • Visible: 276 orbs
  • Feh owl (bank): 210 orbs
  • Not yet played maps: 266 orbs
  • Total: 752 orbs

Free Summons

Now, let’s dive into the free summons from January – June 2022. What’s included in the free summons? The 1st pull of every banner and tickets.


There was a total of 45 summons. Well, 40 summons actually. However, I did not summon on Forces of Will revival banner that was released late December until early January and that banner had 4 free tickets too.

  • 5-Star: 2 – D!Peony, Phina
  • 4-Star Special: 2 – Laevaten, Myrrh
  • 4-Star: 28
  • 3-Star: 13
  • Total free summons: 45
  • Total banners: 22 (23 including Forces of Will banner)


We all got 1 random free 5-Star from 5th Anniversary. I got Valentine Gustav.

  • 5-Star: 6 – D!Catria, Chrom, Shannan, Evyvel, Hrid, Astrid
  • 4-Star Special: 2 – Lyn, Sigurd
  • 4-Star: 22
  • 3-Star: 10
  • Total free summons: 40
  • Total banners: 22


We all got 1 free 5-Star from a Hero Rises banner – D!F.Corrin.

  • 5-Star: 4 – V!Soren, S!Maria, V!Palla, S!Kagero
  • 4-Star Special: 1 – Myst
  • 4-Star: 22
  • 3-Star: 9
  • Total free summons: 36
  • Total banners: 28


  • 5-Star: 2 – Delthea, Ingrid
  • 4-Star Special: 3 – F!M.Robbin, Ephraim, Karla
  • 4-Star: 30
  • 3-Star: 16
  • Total free summons: 51
  • Total banners: 27


  • 5-Star: 5 – Julia, Galzus, Rennac, D!Catria, Shannan
  • 4-Star Special: 3 – B!Epharim, Laevatein, B!Lyn
  • 4-Star: 17
  • 3-Star: 9
  • Total free summons: 34
  • Total banners: 26


We all got a free 5-Star Hero from Fire Emblem Three Hopes event – Yuri.

  • 5-Star: 3 – Helbindi, Sirius, L!Xander
  • 4-Star Special: 1 – Hilda
  • 4-Star: 25
  • 3-Star: 11
  • Total free summons: 40
  • Total banners: 36

So, in the first half of 2022, every single month, I got between two to six 5-Star heroes per month. My best month was February. My worst month was tied between January and April. I also got between one to three 4-Star Special per month.

Summon with orbs

I also spent quite a lot of orbs in the first half of this year.

  • Total orbs spent: 2,085 orbs
  • Total 5-Star heroes: 49
  • 4-Star Specia heroesl: 15
  • Total spark: 3


Let’s tally all of those up. Overall, in the first 6 months of 2022:

  • 71 5-Star heroes
  • 27 4-Star Special heroes
  • 2,085 orbs spent
  • 163 free summons
  • 85 tickets
  • 162 banners (163 including Forces of Will banner)

If I were to compare this to my 2021 summoning results which was 9 months duration, my summoning result for the first half 2022 is actually better. I’d say, it’s better to pool the orbs and summon on select banners only. A Hero Rises banner in March was the best banner to summon for. The first half of this year summoning results were better than last year was mainly due to that banner alone.

Before this analysis, I thought that June 2022 was my worst month in terms of free summoning results. But as you can see from the list above, it was not. It’s actually within my average range. June had the most banners for free summons. However, April had more free summons on fewer banners due to tickets. Our feeling and mind can fool us. So, unless you write it down, you won’t know for sure how you did on your summoning session.

How’s your summoning results in FEH? Did you write them down or record them? How are they compared to your last year’s result?

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