Legendary Myrrh Summoning

Legendary Myrrh banner was just released yesterday. I didn’t really want to summon on this banner at first. I was planning on saving the orbs to summon on the new CYL banner in August. But then I changed my mind. I thought that if I could get Legendary Myrrh, I might be able to get the required score to promote to tier 21 Arena this week. So, that’s how it started.

As usual, after the summoning session ended, I felt really bad for wasting my orbs. Another failed attempt on my part.

Here’s the stats:

  • Orbs spent: 352 orbs
  • Total focus 5-star hero: 4 (88 orbs/focus hero)
  • Total 4-star special hero: 3
  • Spark: 0 (Not a FEH pass subscriber)

Another unlucky session. The outcome was very similar to the Remix banner summoning a couple weeks ago.

Any focus hero

Let’s compare this to the average orbs needed to get any focus 5-star hero from legendary banner. Average luck player only needed to spend 37 orbs/focus hero. I spent 88 orbs/focus hero.


Any blue focus hero

Since, I mostly sniped blue on my summoning session, let’s compare this to the average orbs needed to get any blue focus 5-star hero from legendary banner. Average luck player only needed to spend 50 orbs/blue focus hero. I spent 88 orbs/blue focus hero.


Specific blue focus hero

Since my goal was to obtain at least 1 Legendary Myrrh, let’s compare it with the average of getting a specific blue focus hero. Average luck player only needed to spend 140 orbs. I had to spend 352 orbs to get Myrrh


When will my result be in the 25% percentile? That I was super lucky like those youtubers who keep getting 5-star hero after another? It seems my results are in the 75%-90% for most of my summoning session. It’s very seldom for me to get in the 50% percentile.

I need to keep reminding myself to abstain from summoning. It’s easy to say, but super hard to follow. 🙁

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