Fire Emblem Heroes as of May 2022

It seems very quiet recently in the Fire Emblem Heroes. Golden week has just passed not too long ago. We just received the 10 free orbs from the golden week’s quiz event. Fallen banner 2022 was launched a couple days ago. Everything seems to move along as usual, no surprises. If I think about it, this is probably the best month for Intelligent Systems to make any kind of announcement for Fire Emblem Heroes. It’s a slow month and players have really no expectation to receive special treatment from the company. In the last few years, IS made huge unfavorable announcement on anniversary day and Christmas day. The period when players and fans were expecting something good from the company.

Bridal banner rerun is on the horizon. Summoner Duel is still the game mode that most player do not enjoy. Number of players in top tier Arena game mode is still decreasing. People who complain about the Arena game mode is still increasing as usual. There are still new players starting the game and some players leaving the game. Mythic hero – Medeus with his canto control is the flavor hero of the month. So, all in all, everything runs as usual. Nothing new to report – Brave Gatekeeper out. 🙂

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