A Hero Rises 2022 Summoning

The hyped banner was finally released a few days ago. I couldn’t resist my urge to summon. So, I summoned on the banner on the first day on 3/22. Was the banner as good as what people said? Here’s my status just before I started summoning on the banner: 906 visible orbs, 347 orbs on FEH bank and 279 orbs on maps that I haven’t finished – total 1,532 orbs that I can potentially use.

My goal in this summoning session was to +10 Duo Corrin (Ninjorrin). I already had 2 Ninjorrin before this banner. I got lucky on the initial Ninjorrin banner and spent only 14 orbs to get her. Then we all got 1 free Ninjorrin – AHR 2022 winner. So, I need 9 copies of Ninjorrin in order to complete her.

I took notes on my summoning result in Excel.

Here’s my result:

  • Ninjorrin – 8x + 1 spark
  • H!Azura – 7x
  • L!M!Byleth -6x
  • Thor – 4x
  • B!Edelgard
  • B!Gatekeeper
  • Dedue
  • Rennac
  • F!M!Robin
  • Helbindi
  • Lugh

Total orbs spent: 786 orbs
Total summon: 171 stones (4.6 orbs/stone)
Total circle without green stones: 24 (14% of total summon)
Total orbs wasted on non-green stones: 120 orbs
Longest streak without 5-star heroes: 16 stones summon
Drought without 5-star heroes: 4 times – 16, 15, 16 and 15

Total 5-star heroes: 32 (33 including spark)
Total 5-star focus heroes: 25 (26 including spark)
Total 5-star off-focus heroes: 4
Total 4-star special heroes: 3

Focus 5-star without spark: 31.44 orbs/focus 5-star (the hyped average was 29 orbs/focus 5-star)
Focus 5-star with spark: 30.23 orbs/focus 5-star
Any 5-star without spark: 24.56 orbs/5-star (the hyped average was 19 orbs/5-star)
Any 5-star with spark: 23.82 orbs/5-star

I stop summoning because I have completed my goal to +10 Ninjorrin. I could’ve summoned more, but I thought that it’s better to save the orbs for other ocassions.


My summoning luck on AHR 2022 banner was below average, but not as bad as Jeremy’s. Remember, the hyped 19 orbs per 5-star or 29 orbs per focus 5-star is assuming that you have average luck. Based on that hype, with the amount of orbs I spent and average luck, I would’ve gotten 27 focus 5-star (instead of 25) and 14 other 5-star (instead of 7). Keep in mind that this is gacha. Your luck may not be the same as others.

But I have to admit that even though my luck was below average, my summoning result was much better than my typical summoning session. All green banner gave me the lowest orbs per 5-star heroes during my entire FEH summoning history. This is all because I skipped all non-green stones whenever possible.

If I were to compare my result with the rates shown on the banner, my summoning result was better than I’d hoped for:

  • Focus 5-star heroes: 25/171 or 14.6% of total summon (advertised 3%)
  • Off focus 5-star heroes: 4/171 or 2.3% of total summon (advertised 3%)
  • 4-star special heroes: 3/171 or 1.75% of total summon (advertised 3%)
  • 4-star heroes: 82/171 or 47.9% of total summon (advertised 55%)
  • 3-star heroes: 57/171 or 33.3% of total summon (advertised 36%)

So, did you summon on the banner? How was your luck?

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