Fire Emblem Heroes As Of August 2021

Wow! It’s already half a year past since anniversary. FEH is celebrating the 4.5 years anniversary right now. IS released a new FEH channel last night. It’s pretty much standard by now – anniversary events/gifts, game update, new heroes and 5 star heroes pool update.

Nothing stood out for me. Well, at least there’s no controversial thing this time on FEH channel. IS have learned their lessons and not to include any negative update with anniversary. The FEH pass update was announced last month.

  • We’re getting the usual half year anniversary events/gifs – free orbs – not too much, just enough to wet our appetite.
  • We’re getting 10 tickets, other items. No forma souls or resplendent or skins though
  • New game mode – heroes journey – kind of similar to lost lore mode – meh mode
  • Minor update to Arena – allowing reset without spending a sword and allow 1 retry game after a game lost (similar to ladder in AR, but only 1 time)
  • 5* pool update (no more pity broken, but appear as 4* special now)

How’s the latest player base landscape?

Per the latest survey about a month ago:

  • 29.3% – F2P
  • 27.5% – less than $100
  • 18.3% – between $100 and $499
  • 8.7% – between $500 and $999
  • 9.5% – between $1,000 and $5,000
  • 2.4% – more than $5,000

That’s kind of crazy if you think about it. It’s a free to play game, yet people are paying crazy amount of money.

I think I may be in the FEH fatigue mode right now. Starting a couple months ago, I started to miss out on quests, orbs, etc. I forgot to played Pawns of Loki a few times by now, missing out a few orbs. I also forgot to play Aether Raids a few times since last month. As a result, I drop to tier 23 but got back to 31 easily. Actually doing it this way feels a lot more relaxing than trying to maintain tier 31 every single week. For the first time ever, I did not finish the monthly training quest and the monthly quest, leaving valuable orbs and feathers. I didn’t even get to tier 25 on grand conquest. I didn’t play until the last hour. I also managed to not complete Hall of Form twice. I almost didn’t finish the latest Forging Bond. I managed to get to 3500 with only 5 minutes to spare before the mode ended. Before that, I usually finish the game/quest in the first day.

Perhaps, FEH is near the end of its life for me. I’m losing interest and probably just got burnt out. Usually, once I drop a game, I never come back to play again. I think once I drop FEH, it’s very likely that I won’t pick it up again. Well, let’s see in a couple of months.

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