Fire Emblem Heroes as of June 2021

It’s almost summer time. Mid book 5 is just right around the corner. How’s the current state of Fire Emblem Heroes?

Intelligent System released a new mythic hero, Ashera. She’s not a FEH’s OC, but actual hero from Radiant Dawn game. Players rejoiced. Well, apparently some portion of players get tired of FEH’s OC becoming mythic heroes. I personally do not really care too much from which Fire Emblem game the mythic heroes originally from.

It seems that IS has been doing more things right than wrong in the last 9 months. Based on their revenue performance, IS has been making better decision (that doesn’t anger player based) lately. Fruit traits, Spark feature, 4-star special were some of the better things they added to the game. Those were the ones that’re well received by players. As a result, originally it’s expected that revenue will drop below 2 億 by April 2021. It didn’t happen and based on trend line, I thought it’s going to be July 2021. But, from the looks at it, it’s not going to happen next month too. If I don’t update my prediction model, then the forecast is showing that FEH’s revenue will still drop below 2 億 in the next few months. However, if I were to change my prediction model to take into account the changes IS made since mid last year, then it looks like that it won’t drop to below 2 億 anytime soon. On the contrary, FEH’s revenue may very well increase a bit to over 3 億 and stabilize between 2.75-3 億 per month. We’ll have to wait and see.

What’s next for Fire Emblem Heroes?

I’m getting a bit tired of the game lately. I’ve pretty much completed everything I want to do in the game. Every new additions/challenges are done:

  • AR – tier 39
  • Pawn’s of Loki – tier 10
  • Resonant Battle – interval 21

I also managed to save up a little bit over 500 orbs recently and I used them all on the most recent mythic banner. And as you’ve probably guessed, my luck was not good. Out of 500 orbs, I only managed to get 7 – 5 star and 1 – 4 star special. Overall luck is 6.4%. Average luck is at 11% or 14 – 5 star heroes overall. I was disappointed as I failed to +10 my highest merge legendary unit – Azura. I only managed to get 1 Legendary Azura with a bit over 500 orbs. She’s now at +8 and I have to wait another 9 months before I get a chance to get 2 more copies of her to complete her. Who knows, by then I’m no longer interested in completing her.

Currently, we’re at that point where if you’re a new player, you can reach the top pretty quickly. But, not so for those who’ve played for a long time. If you start playing Fire Emblem Heroes today, with the amount of orbs you’ll be getting from story mode, all other modes in the game and a little luck, you’ll be able to reach the highest tier of Arena in about 2-3 months. It takes a bit longer for AR.

Looking forward, IS will release mid book 5 story, swimsuit heroes, CYL, some other alts, Halloween, end of book 5, new book 6 and Christmas heroes.

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